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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. They still have Bob, though.
  2. I gotta say, once TO was out, I’ve enjoyed Biz on the broadcast. He’s always good for a cringeworthy moment for the fuddyduddies. “He needs to pull a rabbit out of his ass”,… Um, Biz, I think you mean “a hat”, but wait, never mind, yours is better. 😂
  3. Um, arguably three.
  4. Yawn. Once again, a star player finds a way to not put undo wear and tear on their body. How quickly we have forgotten Bruce.
  5. That is a real bummer.
  6. Like using a straw at all?😂 I don’t understand why people need straws in a restaurant. I mean, don’t people drink liquids all day every day at home without one? Do they get to a restaurant and forget how to do it all of a sudden? The only time anyone ever needs a straw is if they are in a car, imo.
  7. I already pay plenty extra for my sports entertainment. Anything else, I get here.
  8. I think Sling TV on a Roku is better than both. I've heard that YTTV is great if you have kids, though. Not sure why.
  9. Does that mean no more links to stories I can't read? 😂
  10. This is somewhat disingenuous, if you ask me. They may have fit those descriptions at the time thy were taken, but often, they were going to be a team's next player. And please god, no more expansion.
  11. I just wish that Eichel had a chance at winning it tonight instead of tomorrow. WTF is with all this two days between games BS?!
  12. Fox Weather’s nighttime program Night Light is pretty cool.
  13. But you have to factor in relativity. The time that the actual travelers would have experienced, given the near light speeds that they would have to achieve to make it happen, means that the time they experienced passing would be way less than for us and whomever they left behind.
  14. Not me. It's more like two dozen.
  15. And if you think I am comfortable agreeing with the refs, then you don’t know me at all.😂
  16. I saw a trip, you didn’t. I’m comfortable leaving it at that.
  17. So I’m guessing you want Florida to win.
  18. Sure. Go with that.
  19. I just disagree. He totally dragged his foot. It was a marginal call, but it was the right call.
  20. Unfortunately, I didn’t record last night, so I can’t watch it again, but I remember that Forsling definitely stuck his leg out. He made just enough contact for Stephenson to go down. If he didn’t stick his leg out and the same contact made him fall. It would not have been called, imo. I thought most of the Florida penalties were a result of being dumb. Instead of a 2 min PP on the Gudas boarding, he goes and retaliates, then a really dumb tripping play 180 feet from their goal, and it’s 4 on 3. Dumb.
  21. I don’t understand why so many people are bringing up the refs in this one. The last game, sure. But I thought the refs called the penalties that were there, this game. I thought all of those trips were trips. I can’t believe Tkachuk scored that goal. We were just talking about how unsteady he looked just minutes before. Really glad it’s a series now. This.
  22. Order food to slow down.😂
  23. I love going to brew pubs and just sitting and drinking. There’s gotta be some good ones near you. Genesee Brew pub looks cool, with the view of the falls. Lock 32 looks good, too. Drinking beer and watchin boats go by never sucks.
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