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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I am happy. I’m going to go ahead and bet that EJ and CC make way more plays to try and get us to the playoffs than JB and BB ever did.
  2. We definitely don’t have that problem. I ordered something at 9:15 am on Wednesday. It was on my porch at 3:30 the same day. Wtf?
  3. Yes, but are any of them any good?
  4. It’s true in New Jersey. If I go to a sports bar, I have to ask them to put the SC games on. Sometimes it’s not even the Mets or Yankees on.
  5. He was 6 the last time the Sabres were in the playoffs.
  6. I don’t know much, but I do know that you should absolutely not do that.
  7. That was a direct response to my post. Silly me for thinking you were responding directly to my post. I don’t even want OEL, but now I’m thinking I kinda do.😂
  8. Settle down. I’ve heard of every player in the NHL. It was a random thought that I wrote down. It wasn’t a commentary about how I feel about the state of the Sabres. And hasn’t KA already mentioned that he’s not concerned with handedness.
  9. Ftr, I didn’t say I wanted him. I just that that’s who we are are going to end up with.
  10. We’re going to end up with either Scott Mayfield or OEL. I also think that either one will thrive here, making the team better. I have no reason to think this other than I do.
  11. I really hope you are underrating all of them, cuz those ceilings ain’t getting us a Cup.
  12. It’s actually just me,… peeing into a fountain.
  13. Statues are stupid. Just sayin'. The world is sinking under the weight of useless bronze.
  14. if we don't trade him, UPL will turn into a valuable asset for us, IMO. If we trade him, he will turn into a valuable asset for some team. Hopefully Levi will make it so we don't care.
  15. It was a joke. I have friends who played in it.
  16. Maybe. I guess we’ll find out.
  17. Where do you get that I’m content with the cap floor?! I’ve been bitching about them not trying to win and using their salary as proof for a while now. Again, hindsight is a wonderful thing. You say KA missed an opportunity because we only missed the playoffs by 1 point. You might want to go back and look what you really thought of the team when the season started. You had them at 82 points and missing the playoffs. If the goal is to win the Cup, what “moment did he miss” that would have gotten us to the playoffs, without sacrificing the larger goal? I’m looking forward to next season. I’m really looking forward not having salaries go to retired players. And if they don’t make it, fire everyone and move the team to Hamilton.😂
  18. Hope is not a strategy. What if you were wrong?… and they doubled down like you “thought” they should have, and Tage wasn’t the Tage we know now,… and they didn’t just miss out on the playoffs? Then what? Start over? The path the Sabres appear to be on, at least by me, and apparently KA and others, is the right one. It’s moving in the right direction. It’s slow, but seems to right, and they are getting better every season. But, if they don’t spend to the cap floor on actual skaters this year, they can ***** off.
  19. Terry only has to take his jet to Washington once.
  20. Nobody gives a crap about preseason hockey. This is just economical.
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