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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. That non-stop scene when they are going through the city streets in Greece in Jason Bourne (the last movie) was f’ing unbelievable.
  2. Does anyone else have those lightening alarms near their house? I find them absolutely incredible. You won’t even see any flashes, it will go off, and 3-7 seconds later there will be a thunder clap. Pretty awesome.
  3. WOW!!!! Nope. Give me Buffalo winters any day. Even ones that give us once in a lifetime blizzards.
  4. Absolutely. Actually, I like that, too. I guess I like WNY weather all year long.
  5. Not sure which I enjoy more, near 100 degree temperatures, or near 100 percent humidity. They both just make the day so enjoyable.
  6. I know. Been there hundreds of times. It was good when it was Pizza Pickup. They had the first Galaxian machine, then Galaga , then Asteroids,… 😂 That was the point. It’s good food and in Niagara county. It’s been a while though. Maybe it’s gone down hill.
  7. Isn’t Good Guys is in Niagara county?
  8. All these years,… I finally realize that it isn’t cats I hate,… it’s cat people. I now have two cats that I love and they are awesome, but good lord, I don’t need to talk about them, or tell everyone about how great they are, or discuss their different personalities. Jebus Christmas just shoot me.
  9. Secret Invasion has been excellent. I can’t watch him any more. And won’t.
  10. I think those are two separate issues. There is plenty of fantastic recorded music right now. The problem with live is that there is so much of it, and in most cases, the guy who has all the gear and is willing to schlep it, doesn’t have the best ears or knowledge. It’s kind of amazing. The last show I was at, we went to see the opening act. When the headliners started, we left. Even with earplugs, it was so loud that it was a mush of garbage and you couldn’t hear anything. You should never have to put in ear plugs at a live show if the mix is right.
  11. -It’s also amazing how many really bad live audio engineers there are. Loud doesn’t mean good.
  12. -I know 4 different people (me being one) that had vertigo issues on Tuesday. Something is going on. Wish there was more air in the air. -Why don’t cats eat out of their own GD bowl? -Buffalonil. https://www.nhl.com/news/2023-24-nhl-trades/c-344953916 There have been 6 trades so far this summer (maybe one of note.) The NHL has taken off for the summer. Maybe you should too. I know I should.
  13. I’m just curious why you would think you’d get heat on any of those names. For me it’s Reinhart. It wasn’t so much him individually (although I really liked him), but it seemed to highlight the absolutely dismal state of the team, and yet another reminder of what a completely disastrous mistake the Tank was (or, to write it so I don’t have LGR telling me the Tank worked - what a completely disastrous mistake the tanking strategy was.)
  14. Just bought Meshuggah tickets for December. Cant wait for my wife to see them. Also have VOLA tickets for September. Jinjer is playing in Niagara Falls in August. Really going to try to get back for that.
  15. So, back to the thread title. Are you telling us or asking us?
  16. Is that the kid from It's Always Sunny and the kid from American Pie?
  17. It has been that very thought that has kept me sane when thinking about how much my own industry doesn’t care (or even know) what I do, and that as long as my checks clear and I don’t have to write an email to some turkey about a mistake that nobody even realized I made, then I’m good. I still wish it was better,… cuz it’s so easy to make it better.
  18. The video played fine for me, as well. I, too, thought that Commodore was hilarious. It just sounds like sh!t! The hosts' mics were different levels and completely distorted, and when they snorted or laughed or coughed, you couldn't hear the guest for a quick second. It was awful, as is the audio for most podcasts. I am a professional audio engineer. The fact that you think it sounded fine makes me sad. Let me use a visual aid. Here is SwampD's Employment index chart. The pandemic has made the tolerance line much steeper.
  19. That makes sense. I guess watching him as often as I have, I don’t even notice it anymore. He’s really objective and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be a fanboy. Not even sure who “his” team is, if he even has one.
  20. The point is we would rather listen to his sober thoughts on our team than try an figure out what your drunken, unpunctuated posts are trying to say. 😂 Sorry, PA, but this is just a weird, old cranky guy take. What he is wearing has no bearing on his opinion. He always wears a jersey from the team he is talking about. And this is his full time job now, so if people see him in their team's jersey, in a list of search result videos, they will be more likely to click on it.
  21. Interesting,… So, you believe in evolution, then,… …sinner.
  22. I can't believe that people think the Bills are going to be worse next year. This might be the summer I finally throw down a twenty for them to win it all. … and it's Josh chasin' Hollywood tail that sent me over the edge.
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