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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Just bought Meshuggah tickets for December. Cant wait for my wife to see them. Also have VOLA tickets for September. Jinjer is playing in Niagara Falls in August. Really going to try to get back for that.
  2. So, back to the thread title. Are you telling us or asking us?
  3. Is that the kid from It's Always Sunny and the kid from American Pie?
  4. It has been that very thought that has kept me sane when thinking about how much my own industry doesn’t care (or even know) what I do, and that as long as my checks clear and I don’t have to write an email to some turkey about a mistake that nobody even realized I made, then I’m good. I still wish it was better,… cuz it’s so easy to make it better.
  5. The video played fine for me, as well. I, too, thought that Commodore was hilarious. It just sounds like sh!t! The hosts' mics were different levels and completely distorted, and when they snorted or laughed or coughed, you couldn't hear the guest for a quick second. It was awful, as is the audio for most podcasts. I am a professional audio engineer. The fact that you think it sounded fine makes me sad. Let me use a visual aid. Here is SwampD's Employment index chart. The pandemic has made the tolerance line much steeper.
  6. That makes sense. I guess watching him as often as I have, I don’t even notice it anymore. He’s really objective and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be a fanboy. Not even sure who “his” team is, if he even has one.
  7. The point is we would rather listen to his sober thoughts on our team than try an figure out what your drunken, unpunctuated posts are trying to say. 😂 Sorry, PA, but this is just a weird, old cranky guy take. What he is wearing has no bearing on his opinion. He always wears a jersey from the team he is talking about. And this is his full time job now, so if people see him in their team's jersey, in a list of search result videos, they will be more likely to click on it.
  8. Interesting,… So, you believe in evolution, then,… …sinner.
  9. I can't believe that people think the Bills are going to be worse next year. This might be the summer I finally throw down a twenty for them to win it all. … and it's Josh chasin' Hollywood tail that sent me over the edge.
  10. I used that very phrase yesterday.
  11. I have a friend that played four games in the ECHL and had four assists. He said the only stats they keep are fights and goals. They cut him.
  12. Why do I have to re-enter every ****ing password on every ****ing site on every ****ing device lately!!! FU, Skynet!!!!
  13. I get it. This is how it’s done, so this is how it’s done, and the stats show that this is how is done, so teams try to make sure that this is how it’s done. I’m just not sure it matters, other than this is how it’s done.
  14. There is also an advantage to having your body against wall with your stick free towards the center of the ice.
  15. Cheese or fruit? and oatmeal sucks.
  16. There is no way that any human (other than you,… and now us) knows that this specific event is even happening. I know I’ve mentioned this before, probably in this thread, but my wife got our credit card bot to dispute with the bot from a company I buy software from. Took a couple of months, but we got our refund. I doubt there was a human at either company that knew this took place.
  17. I don’t even mind rain. They make jackets for just that purpose. Also, water dries. Thought he was Danish.
  18. Yeah. That whole “wrong side” thing is just stupid.
  19. There are two sides to health care: one is about healing, the other is about profits. I haven’t figured out yet which one has more say. (Actually, I think I have.) Summer sucks. ….and why aren’t there GD arrow keys on iOS keyboards?!!?!?! FU, Apple!
  20. I know that hope is not a strategy, but I just can't shake the feeling that Devon Levi's tide will raise all boats. UPL, Comrie, and whoever else will give us what we nee to make the playoffs and hopefully more.
  21. Someone'll go on LTIR,… until the playoffs.
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