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ROC Sabres

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Everything posted by ROC Sabres

  1. Not to mention the cashier in that line is the dumbest, slowest cashier in the world.
  2. Christmas music on every speaker possible... Everywhere.
  3. Best part of the year if you ask me. Get to watch everyone in an SUV/pickups thinking the laws of physics don't apply to them as they go flying off the road.
  4. Sabres won. I slept in. Finally getting over my cold. Definitely fantastic today.
  5. I doubt it is better than Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISrbjr7kyr8
  6. Seems fair. Watching the play, even in slow motion, you have to wonder if he thought the guy was going to go up ice and not curl back.
  7. Cold 1 week. ear infection the next. Now a throat infection. Can't wait to see what next week brings.
  8. Good tune but this one seems more fitting if you like them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oI27uSzxNQ
  9. Good tune but I like scream,aim,fire better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jDIx23m59U Lyrics are probably a little to harsh for a "family outing" though.
  10. Just found out that one of my friends is one of the many people moving right now in Boston so I gave her a "go to hell" for ya. :thumbsup:
  11. I guess I should be happy I have been sick the past two days because yesterday started move ins at RIT.
  12. Sick for the second day in a row and my head would feel better if someone did this :death:
  13. Can't score if you don't shoot the puck. Worst case, things are awkward for a while and then goes back to normal. I've been in the situation before and I cant think of a time where it completely dissolved the friendship. My complaint for the day, not being able to find anyone to sublet my apartment yet. Really do not want to get stuck with a mortgage and paying rent on a place that is empty.
  14. My central air in my apartment sucks so bad when it gets over 90 the breaker pops and won't go back on. I'm looking forward to going home to a nice a toasty house tonight for sure.
  15. No but I have sat in there long enough to have the lights turn off. Especially with sabrespace on my phone.
  16. Doing that this afternoon. Banks tomorrow then God knows what. I've barely had time to focus on anything else and it's sucking the life out of me. I know, I know. Once I get the house, it is still gonna suck the life out of me but at least I'll know what I'm doing.
  17. In the process of buying a house. Pretty sure I'm going to need to take a few personal days for mental health reasons when the process is done with.
  18. Why does Vancouver get to have all the fun?
  19. I changed my mind. I hate data analysis.
  21. FWIW... My link I still need to get one of these myself. 8" sabres decal Now for the complaint. I'm with Cheez. FU SNOW!
  22. It's St. Patrick's Day and I gave up beer for lent. My own fault really but oh well.
  23. Completely understand. I had a "director" of our dept. my bosses boss, that gave me an early Christmas present last year when he told everyone that he was leaving in the middle of January, he announced this at the beginning of December. He then proceeded to take 5 weeks off for vacation and sick time. I hated the guy so I'm not upset about it but I could never ethically feel like I deserved something like that. Kudos to you for being better than him. It wouldn't take much but hey, better than nothing.
  24. Where is that hustle when the game actually matters?
  25. beer x more = coping mechanism
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