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ROC Sabres

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Everything posted by ROC Sabres

  1. Should be pretty easy to brush this one off. Got screwed out of a goal and took stupid penalties at the end of the game.
  2. Sure you can, just take the warning labels off of everything.
  3. The sabres are reminding me of Serano from major league 2 when he's a monk. Puck on white ice, such a beautiful thing to watch.
  4. And still looks better than half our forwards.
  5. At least it's nice to see the first line is being used. ~13 minutes TOI. Most other players are around 10.
  6. Actually that's probably worse.
  7. Just be glad it's only 1/2 a season.
  8. Sounds like they already signed him. :devil:
  9. New Sabres drinking game! Take a drink every time the other team ices the puck (6 pack minimum required)
  10. It did. Probably knew it was gonna be a penalty.
  11. That could have gone either way. If you are trying to play the puck i think he is fair game. Not positive though.
  12. Oh Kaleta. He plays the puck so well.
  13. Had one thing to finish at work and the network was preventing me from doing any work on it. Now I get to work on it from home tonight since they fixed it about 10 minutes before I left.
  14. It's easier to replace one person(coach) that's supposed to be in control than a group of people(players) that are out of control but I agree with your sentiment.
  15. I think this one is a little more fitting. And the hawk is another team. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZc7f6Eu4fo
  16. At least they didn't make Darcy the coach. :P
  17. Well... Rolston's off the list. Who else is out there?
  18. Best way to enter the zone, everyone stand at the blue line and have one person skate it in. That will trick them.
  19. Probably that Tiger Blood making him rage out after the game.
  20. Probably. Isn't Miller's wife on his show?
  21. Those two things really are what I think of when I think of professional sports in general. I have friends that are fans of good teams and bad teams and the one thing you can tell is the difference in how they react to a win/loss. The bad team fans(complacent team) a win is something that is really exciting. A loss is basically just another day/game. A good team fan gets upset over a loss and is excited too, but doesn't hang on to it the same way. I'm tired of being excited over wins and hanging on to them (unless they are playoff games). Another way of thinking of it. Ask a pats fan who they lost to last season then ask a bills fan who they won against? Most true fans will get most of them right.
  22. Just another stop for the R&R railroad. ALL ABOARD! NEXT STOP, BUFFALO!
  23. I was about to say the same thing. The quality of shots has been pretty bad. If the Sens logo was a bulls-eye they would be shooting 100% right now.
  24. I doubt it. They wouldn't let the Lindy Ruffs Tie. http://lindyruffstie.com/2012/08/08/so-no-brick/
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