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Everything posted by hopeleslyobvious

  1. Not a pretty period.
  2. I have tried to go to some other team's boards. Some of them require registration even to read them.
  3. :lol: The Fan-O-Meter, ha. Funniest thing about that is, people start cheering when it comes on. I remember back in the 2001 playoffs, when the National TV broadcast would come in, it was hard to get the crowd to be really loud...but put that Fan-O-Meter on the scoreboard and they go nuts.
  4. I think it is going to come down to Miller vs. Huet again...1-0, or 2-1 Sabres.
  5. If you see Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris sees you... If you don't see Chuck Norris, death may be only seconds away.
  6. Bender will probably be coming back. The novelty of Chuck Norris should wear off pretty quick.
  7. While Labatt makes some good points about Campbell, his tendency to have some timely goals in key situations makes me want him in there. As someone said earlier, if he gets caught pinching, I don't mind. For the most part our forwards cover, and Miller is usually really good on breakaways and 2 on 1's (despite the goals last night).
  8. They did that chant before Huet was their goalie though.
  9. Haha, glad that Euro soccer chant drives someone else nuts too. Fitzpatrick did look better last night. The only time I really noticed him was when he broke his stick. Is it me, or is he pretty good on the penalty kill. This is not an observation from last night, but I think it was the Islanders game right after Christmas. They had him out on the penalty kill, and he looked pretty good (I was at the game, and keeping a close eye on him). I know Miller is unproven in the playoffs, and he has not performed great in the AHL playoffs, but I think he has the potential to take us far this year. He seems to always be there to make the big save when we need him to. He always comes up big in the shootouts when the pressure is on. While this doesn't translate to playoff success, it is a good indication of how he reacts to pressure, and I have been pretty happy with what I have seen so far this year. Nice points about Campbell. Tallinder has improved a ton since the beginning of the year.
  10. The only reason I want to see Biron start against Florida is that I want Miller fresh for Sunday night.
  11. What does everyone think of the goalie situation for the rest of the week? I say Miller Thursday, Biron Saturday, Miller Sunday.
  12. That's exactly how they do it. Confusing, but the only way they can do it without letting a team go below 3 skaters.
  13. Normally it starts out 4 on 4...If you have one penalty it goes to 4 on 3. Since Montreal had 2 penalties, they had to have 3 on the ice...So Buffalo gets to add 1. 4 on 3 to start. 5 on 3 a few seconds later.
  14. Another OT game.
  15. Yeah, a bit of a delayed reaction...I didn't mention it because I didn't want to whine...lol.
  16. Yeah, looked to me like he chest butt it in.
  17. Is that a no goal call going our way?
  18. That's usually when Miller is at his best. That really woke up the crowd.
  19. Ha, speaking of the Devils...according to the score right before the break, we're beating them 2-1.
  20. The other one that drives me nuts (Devils fans do it too) is this: Montreal player has no one between him and the puck which is 20-30 feet away, and the fans go nuts like they are going to have a breakaway, despite the fact that a defenseman is back and much closer to the puck. Ok, I did the worst job articulating that, does everyone know what I mean.
  21. I noticed we seem to give up the late goals too. I like when Rick told the 21,000 Montreal Fans that they were wrong. Haha! They are pretty brutal. They boo any call against them, no matter how blatent.
  22. What a reach by Roy on that goal!
  23. You thought he did have a chance?
  24. Big PK coming up.
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