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Everything posted by hopeleslyobvious

  1. Wasn't that a little bit of an excessive call on Peters? Where is the call on Mellanby for taking a hack at him?
  2. I think people prefer to just say that from October 5-March 16 were a fluke, and that this is the real Sabres that we have seen in the last 2 games. :lol: I remember people posting the same type of things in every slump, and then disappear as soon as the team starts winning. Looks like I'm the only one left watching...I haven't given up on them for one game yet this year...no reason to start now.
  3. So much for us getting respect from the Power Rankings. I bet we take a big drop this week. Anyone notice that this is by far the worst ice we have seen all year? How many guys have fallen flat on their faces or had the puck jump over their stick.
  4. He is one of the other reasons I hate Atlanta.
  5. Mark down another reason I dislike Atlanta. They have someone come on the PA every time there is a whistle. Hockey in the sunbelt is such a good idea.
  6. Isn't that horn a little excessive?
  7. Ugh, what an awful period. However, I think they are capable of coming back against Atlanta.
  8. They're taking bets in Vegas on this game for the over/under...no not the score, Peters Ice time...Last I saw was 2:00. :lol:
  9. I think you might be mistaken: http://www.sabres.com/pdf/SabresTVSchedule.pdf Interesting that Biron is getting the start tonight...Are you absolutely sure? Not questioning you, but I want to adjust my fantasy roster accordingly. I expect them to come out firing tonight.
  10. This is it, PP goal to tie it up!
  11. That was a great PP. One that just gave you the feeling they were going to score the whole time.
  12. The real good news is saves is a stat you get points for in my fantasy pool. Miller is getting plenty of those tonight!
  13. If they come out and actually get some shots on Emery, I think we can score 2 in the 3rd. As it stands, I think you could pull someone out of the stands and put them in net and get the same result as Emery. Not to take anything away from him, but he hasn't really been busy.
  14. Needless to say a PP goal would be nice.
  15. Yeah, I really don't know what to say.
  16. 5 on 3...let's make it happen!
  17. Of course, I think Briere would have scored if he wasn't tripped.
  18. Alright, let's get one on the PP here.
  19. As soon as we bounce back we kill our momentum by giving them another PP.
  20. Looking at the PP at the end of the period, I would start with Roy Max and Vanek.
  21. Well at least Miller showed up to play.
  22. I think they called that because he held him up along the boards too...That's just my guess.
  23. Am I biased or are the penalties a bit inconsistent. Roy gets tripped up, and is on the ice with the stick between his legs, no call. Briere hooks Chara a little bit, penalty. I am biased though, so anyone else seeing this?
  24. Who to blame for that goal. Miller gave up a big rebound, but Kalinin didn't exactly look in a hurry to block that shot...Maybe it wouldn't have mattered, but at least but the effort in.
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