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Everything posted by 2ForTripping

  1. Wiffle ball the real oneswith the 8 oblong wholes in em and the plastic yellow bat, played with my daughter in the backyard the past 4 nights, she is 3 and said Daddy this rocks! Indeed it does Cassidy indeed it does
  2. you belong in Alabama
  3. He should be more "Christ like" in stead of Christian... and to answer the ? the "Christians" frequently ask, WWJD? I imagine he'd be angry at those who act more like "Christians" and a lot less like "Christ"
  4. 28's determination... took the wind out of those sails... that too is laughable as is your defense of 28. the team failed in that situation and were lacking courage. the whole idea of you better watch it next time fella is laughable as well. that was a defining moment and the sabs defined themselves soft and gutless .
  5. Wraps up unfinished business? Thats laughable ... as was his attempt way after the fact
  6. Y'all come on down to Hotlanta....gets brutal here, brutal
  7. indeed it does doesn't it glad the POTUS had the stones to support gay rights. wait until tomorrow that Crosschecking cat just may just blow a gasket with his far right rantings tomorrow in the complaint thread.
  8. ...and how poorly he performed after he got said contract...
  9. It is velija pronounced veh lee yah a solemn religious dinner 12 courses 12 apostles mainly a catholic thing
  10. Better yet what's the line on Kassian knocking the $###### out of whomever it is that tries to prevent him from doing so?
  11. A first round pick for Parise's rights? Easy Jack , put down the tube for a bit and let your head clear,steep price indeed
  12. Just put a grass fed beef tenderloin in the BGE. Fresh out of the garden collard greens, roasted potatoes and carrots. Arkansas black apple pie for dessert with a fresh brewed cup of Jamacian Blue Mountain coffee.
  13. Ennis is not a pivot . I wish the patch job charade done by Lindy and the rest of the FO would cease, wake up. Get a real bona fide centerman. Until that happens the coulda woulda shoulda drivel will continue to be driven into the ground
  14. it's all about big lobby money from the drug companies..... it's always about the money. the drug companies want to string you out and along on their chemicals for their profit. there is no money in a cure but "treatment" is a big money maker. Herb is a gift from the earth. XC didn't the god you worship say, paraphrasing of course something along the lines of i give you plants and the seeds to use,
  15. Hey XC interesting avatar for someone of your ilk. What is your stance?
  16. I can't talk about the BGE enough they truly are like a #1 stud centerman .... game changers. LOL seriously though I've made briskets, boston butts, ribs and countless other things even cookies bread & pizza. In fact going to do some bison ribs in an hour or so . 8 hours in some hickory and white oak smoke followed by a crisping on the BGE dialed up to 600 degrees or so for 3 minutes a side plate em let em rest and pour a home brew porter and feast with the wife and daughter.
  17. Get a Big Green Egg. I've had one for 20 years and they fukcing rule. You wont need the Texas crutch when you use a BGE.
  18. When he speaks of the Sabs is he baffled by how their poor play defies logic?
  19. My wife and my daughter
  20. Noreen by the David Mayfield Parade
  21. Hyundai and KIA are owned by Hyundai . There is a KIA plant here in GA that just had a large expansion completed. They now can pump out more vehicles per day. I've owned 2 Hyundai's the Elantra and now I've a Tuscon as does my wife. We love 'em ,the warranty the price . My Elantra got 137K before I traded it and I never had a problem so even a used Hyundai would be a good bet. My FN Friday news is my toddler daughter went for her 1st offical diaperless week!!! We have a goal horn for when she goes
  22. no party was ruined... just a plateful of reality sandwiches were brought in
  23. Actually Weber & Gerbe do those now.... Weber probably would have gotten his a$$ handed to him but I think he'd of actually done something if he was on the ice. If not immediately he'd have done something before the game ended
  24. Why all the shock? This team has been soft for years now. ALL the teams know this fact. Liberties will be taken by opponents until their collective testicles drop into their scrotums. Period.
  25. Punishing the parish? Really? Even the old biddies down @ Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow should be sickened by the fact that their priest was a pervert rapist. Talk about cults.
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