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Everything posted by 2ForTripping

  1. Enjoying a really good cup of fresh brewed coffee, feet up on my desk , listening to the Cowboy Junkies
  2. At first it was 1500 acres then I purchased 750 more on the same tract of land. So you are correct, good memory my friend. The 750 is going to be used for some horses my daughter has and some beef cattle my daddy wants to move down to south GA from his land in Ellijay as well as some cotton and soybeans. After my daddy retired from the funeral business he started raising cattle and some hogs to keep himself busy and my mama sane!! LOL .
  3. Dotted the I's and crossed the T's on a new funeral home down in Savannah. I've 4 in the Atlanta area but added another on the coast. This one is for my daughter when she is ready. On top of that last week I closed on another property on Tybee Island a block from the lightnhouse and 4 blocks from my MeeMaw and PawPaw's place.After all the dust settles I'm going to the woods for 2 weeks deer hunting
  4. listen again friend he says Enroth
  5. neutral site game yankee
  6. guess you have to hop on a new wagon .....Athens is about as quite as a rat pissing on cotton
  7. we do several big low country boils down on Tybee during football season... maybe you and your gal can make it down, although you may not enjoy being suurounded by a passle full of Georgia tech alums!! pm and i'll let you know the particulars my mee maw makes some awesome shrimp & grits and my paw paw usually has some corn squeezin that'll warm your belly right quick
  8. Truck is packed ready to go.... southbound headed to Tybee for 2 weeks @ our beach house.
  9. what about the thin skinned all knowing fans who were offended when Stafford called them "mouse potatoes"
  10. ...and they all stink
  11. My mee maw went to church with his paw paw when he lived in GA. My mee maw asked if I knew who he was and I about shat my pants!! Needless to say that same day I ordered a Habs sweater with his number & name and he was gracious enough to sign it for me.
  12. Nope, I am a Funeral Director. Own and run 4 funeral homes with my brothers. My homes are staffed with great folks which in turn allows me many hours of free time. Thanks , sometimes my walks are silent but mainly music to keep my pace up. i statrted walking to release some of the stresses from my job, it is afterall an emotional challenge on a daily basis dealing with grief stricken families and trying to maintain an even keel and composure.
  13. i keep it simple, i walk 10 miles a day 6 days a week, eat healthy and it works. In the last 18 months i have dropped 120 pounds
  14. Purchased some more land, 2100 acres in middle GA. Taking my daughter fishing on one of the ponds on the property later this afternoon
  15. my apiaries are really pumping out the nectar of the gods, wildflower & clover at present. amazing what 750,000 bees can do
  16. I am in the funeral industry, been doing it for 27 years, but loosing a friend of 45 years has totally floored me. Sleep in the stars my friend
  17. Jason Collins
  18. Going to the Final 4 , my casket vendor has good connections! Not much of a hoops fan but it promises to be a good time
  19. high as a kite I just might
  20. Useful assets? IF these useful assets were just that, they'd be in a better situation. Time to what should've been done years ago,,,, light the fuse and get away
  21. stepped on the scale today.... i weigh 89 pounds lighter than i did 365 days ago
  22. Taking the next month off from the funeral business to do some hog and deer hunting on my property in south GA. My 2 brothers will have to handle the family business. They are more than capable but are green with envy about not being able to go to the woods
  23. yeah, they were probably thinking about the fans when they sold out and let their music be used in a recent VW ad on tv as well
  24. He'll come out all teary eyed and crying. Since this lockout began I have accomplished much much more in my professional life as well as personal life, the % that I miss the games is negative. As someone previously stated they can all suck it.
  25. post WW II into the 1960's tax rates were 90% on the wealthy , presently the rate is 35% ..... quite a healthy tax rate reduction
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