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Everything posted by 2ForTripping

  1. For Curtis Brown and Andy Delmore
  2. When my daughter graduated from Emory University in 2012 Carson was the commencement speaker. Prior to his speaking there were rumblings as to why he was chosen due to views
  3. Carson is a 7th Day Adventist who also believes the earth is 6000 years old
  4. Kudos Claude!! Family is always first and the most important thing ever. Your daughter will always remeber the fun she had with you. Added bonus of a pristine fall day in dixie
  5. The day after he got married he was off to solidify relations with Burlington Vermonts sister city Yaroslavl
  6. How 'bout them Vols! Suck it in Athens AGAIN
  7. Jarret Stoll as well.....toot and molly
  8. Athens GA 'bout quiet as a rat pissing on cotton.....AGAIN
  9. I am an atheist and feel that right wants the agenda of their morality forced upon all citizens. I am a native Georgian slap in the middle of the bible belt and dealing with these folks is awful. Perhaps if they behaved more like their Jesus and less Christian we'd be better off.
  10. He probably disagrees with #6 based on gender equality.
  11. K 9 I watched an interesting film on Netflix called Citizen Koch. I think you'd enjoy it
  12. Food companies pay a lot of money for certain "shelf space" in stores. There is a method to their madness. Peep where sugar laden cereal is ....that's right a child's eye level, now where are the healthy options? That's right out of the child's line of sight. The same product placement crap is store wide. Why are doritios and coke always on sale and healthy produce and other health choices aren't? Hmmmmmmmm food companies don't give a fat rats ass it's all about the $. Keep folks dumb and uninformed that's how they operate. Keep them dumb wrap them in a flag and take them church
  13. July 30 1956 Ike signed a law to insert "in god we trust " into the pledge. He also on the same day made a law regarding our national motto "in god we trust "
  14. This should have happened the first day she refused to issue them. Pure hypocrisy, 4 divorces she has under her belt. One of them when she was married to guy A she had guy B's bastards in her belly. She is loving the attention and the imaginary man in the sky society will USE her to the fullest. They have "martyr" for their agenda.
  15. 80 show huh.... i did 239 from 1984 to 1995.... Earnie was a bad choice, Steve Kimock Stu Allen Jimmy Hering Warren Haynes all wouldve been better choices. santa clara shows were a joke of a rehearsal, the chicago shows were better than santa clara but thats not saying much. not an earnie hater just think the previously mentioned cats wouldve been better. post 88 it was the touch head trustafarian infestation that started the scenes demise although 90 was a great year on tour. to each his own.......plant ice harvest wind
  16. Sorry friend the Grateful Dead ceased to exist after 8 9 95. You saw 4 greedy old men driven by Jill Lesh. Also Earnie can't shine Jerry's shoes
  17. As a son of the south, born and raised in the great state of Georgia, I have an inside opinion so to speak. I have a sons of the Confederacy tag on my personal vehicle due to the fact that my kin fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War. Does that make me a racist? I merely am expressing my families heritage. Shelby Foote, a Civil War historian from the great state of Mississippi once said, that we as southerners lost our right to claim the stars and bars as a symbol of southern history and southern pride when radical hate monger groups used it for their cause and we as southerners did nothing to stop it. I am proud of my heritage and am not a racist. Oh by the way I agree with Mr Foote
  18. I never voted for the Koch brothers
  19. The hyper sensitive over the top society in which we dwell Political correctness Race card players The media trying to make me feel bad that I am white
  20. Perhaps the habit of "chasing the dragon" is the problem... time out of mind
  21. Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap
  22. why ?Does he have poor hygiene like 74
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