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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Bumpity bump bump
  2. 🙅🏼‍♀️👀
  3. Gotta be something good
  4. You really need to stop this long newspaper story every time.
  5. Florida/Rangers Wednesday May 22 @ 8PM Edmonton/Dallas Thursday May 23 @ 8:30PM
  6. 6 months. Damn that’s gotta hurt
  7. Tired of getting junk messages from Trump supporters.
  8. It’s only Thursday
  9. His contract is up, from what I heard
  10. That’s the way I read it too
  11. Not compatible anymore. Had a av come out
  12. Surround sound. Had it hooked up with 5.1 at my old place. HDMI. It’s about 12 yrs old. looking at a Denon 5.2 now. 5 hdmi. Bluetooth. 3 optic cables.
  13. Beautiful new Sony TV. It works awesome. but by beautiful old receiver. Is not compatible with the TV.
  14. I was referring to size. That’s all
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