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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. From what I remember (it was 2018) there was talk the Sabres could have done a procedure (non-surgery) rehab that was performed on another (non-hockey) player and he would have been back in half the time. Right ankle, left ankle, ribs, neck, he’s a great player but injury prone IMO
  2. Thanks guys. I see a Neurologist Monday and my GP Tuesday. I don’t like pills but may need something. 🙅🏼‍♀️ On the upside I slept so much those few days I’ve caught up on a few shows. Lol
  3. My blood pressure dropped last Saturday morning about 1AM i proceeded to fall backwards over the end of the tub Fell on my azz with my legs over the side, tried like hell to sit up and get out but I think I hit my head on the back wall, knocking myself unconscious. couldn’t get out, ‘yelled’ for help just before. I was told I got pulled out around 3AM. I don’t remember much. Couldn’t move until Tuesday. Felling better now but I’m a Vincent Van Gogh painting of bruises all over.
  4. Haven’t heard this at all
  5. Same thing happened with Eichel’s first ankle sprain. Proven remedies they didn’t use. and it was not riding a bike. He could have been back weeks sooner.
  6. I dropped my season tickets today. maybe I’ll back for 22/23. I know that wasn’t actually your question but that’s my answer for most of these players
  7. I can see it once you get off my lawn
  8. Haha he indeed is. Went to his hometown party when he got the Cup
  9. I have the T-Shirt. If he leaves I’m burning it on the plaza
  10. Or drive a car into Tim Hortons
  11. My cousin. Go Danny!
  12. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  13. I used the phrase “back in the day” this morning.
  14. Anderson to Sabres
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  16. Nobody venting today
  17. Anywho is ok though?
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