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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. I missed out on 8 minutes of Complaint Thursday. !
  2. My complaint is.... Getting the first cold of the season. It sucks. My head and nose and body feel like :death:
  3. Yeah, a buck or two to shine my tires. I can go to the store and get a can of the stuff for 2bucks and it lasts all summer.
  4. I'd probably consider myself a big tipper, so add grain of salt. I've been a waitress and feel Ink's pain. If you have been served personally (flame on) and served well, then 20% especially at a classy place. If you been delivered pizza, and they haven't set your table, served each slice, cleared your place and done your dishes (I think you get my point) then 10%. The big unanswered question is Do you tip the person who dries your car at Delta Sonic?
  5. I have to stop complaining until next Thursday.
  6. Stupid People. Enough said.
  7. (OT) Happy Birthday SDS! Hope you're :beer:
  8. While I agree, I dislike the word, it's still a word. http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book...va=Irregardless
  9. That fast food chain that mixes the hot and cold fries together. One minute enjoying a hot fresh crispy french fry and the next eating some grease soaked floppy piece of tater that's been in the bin for half an hour.
  10. F*cking terrorists.
  11. uh, legit slut? I've practiced with Ink Spots.
  12. Not that you need'm, but you could've earned 3 posts for that one. :doh:
  13. Computers that crash in college in the middle of taking an exam, losing all your answers and needing to retake the :censored: thing. Bitchz
  14. ask and you shall receive dear sir: https://www.donotcall.gov/complaint/complaintcheck.aspx
  15. Kaboom! It's Billy Mays "Get on the ball and you'll never pour or measure detergent again!" Look at the whites they get whiter! Look at the brights they get brighter! he either needs rehab for his crack addiction or a tranquilizer dart in his arse.
  16. The idoits who set up the schedule at college that you have to take two courses, in the same semester, one after the other, with a 10 minute break inbetween and they are like a mile apart on campus. . :chris:
  17. the do not call list expires this year and you need to re-signup. add the cell, home all numbers to it.
  18. it was my peace offering. And no I'm not offering you my piece. :ph34r:
  19. Ouch :o Oh and I almost forgot Pommers isn't re-signed for 09 yet. :chris:
  20. I don't bitch about nice things usually but this one gets to me every time. I call up one of these "call centers", whether it's for credit cards, phone, car loans, investments, etc., the person on the line is very nice (and fewer from India nowadays) but at the end of the call, by which time you really want to get off the phone, they ask "is there anything else we can help you with today" No thanks. "well now you have a good rest of your day" okay "and a good weekend" OKay "do you need a confirmation number?" NO!!! now say goodbye and stop asking me stupid questions that are eating up more of my day and sucking me into a big black hole of niceties and making me feel bad for wanting to hang up on you but you are so nice I can't so ok ok ok (as I slowly go to hang up phone while saying goodbye) A nice "is there anything else" and then goodbye. Stop making it the "no you hang up first", "no You" thing. To feel my frustration CLICK HERE
  21. This dude at the Olympics: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kjvz4UVOQY&color1=11645361&color2=13619151&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kjvz4UVOQY&color1=11645361&color2=13619151&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> "Me don't want bronze me want Gold, you ake dis medal and shove opaz" Nice way to represent your country. :thumbdown:
  22. :w00t: Is that your name in the list of people who bought his CD? nice. real nice.
  23. On the Olympic note: The instant replay judges in gymnastics. Why are you a judge if you can't 'judge' for yourself? We sit around waiting and waiting for scores while they watch replays of the event to make sure it's technical enough, talking back and forth on phones, arg :chris: arg
  24. The be-otch next door that is still watering my car!
  25. I hate when someone reminds me of this day in Sabres History and I at first, start to cry like a, well, girl, and then get really pissed off that Peters can't fight for sh$t. :ph34r:
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