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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Lindy having an aerobatic aircraft flight with the John Klatt Airshow Team at the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station on Friday. Bad karma man.
  2. Crosschecking got his rig back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwo0RFRI0aA
  3. You people who use the last of the toilet paper and don't put a new roll on. You know who you are.
  4. ba-bump
  5. RIP To be exact, Vasicek is Vanek's brother's wife's brother.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/amc-track-hell-wheels-walking-dead-162603736.html
  7. ba-bump
  8. Be safe East Coast!
  9. Nothing else going on, I'll pin this 4 a while...
  10. "All About Bad Weather"?
  11. Congrats! Why the ###### are u still posting in it? :nana:
  12. ba-da-bump
  13. Bills r dead 2 me. Out.
  14. Always fun when no one gets killed. #yessir
  15. The Washington Monument is tilting! (e3) But seriously, I was in Kenmore at the time and the car shook for a few seconds.
  16. Well, at least he didn't hit someone with his car, or shoot someone, or get caught with a loaded gun, or....
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhCRfdQHsZk
  18. Friend of mine got hit last week. Girl texting in her car sideswiped him. Girl just kept going. My friend has a seperated shoulder, pins in his hand and a broken wrist. Cops are looking for the car.
  19. My ugliest incident, other than almost being killed, was when I got hit square in the glasses with a bug. I have no idea what it was but it left green and yellow parts all over my lens.
  20. That's what I've got. A 2005 100th anniversary two tone 1200 Custom Sportster. It's got drag handlebars so the turns are pretty easy. You just have to push forward on the one and pull up on the other sometimes if you're really pushin' it. I'd agree about the city riding. I was in traffic once with a friend, I decided to change lanes and the sport bikes coming up from the back in the middle of traffic almost clipped me. Took a lot of convincing to stop my boyfriend at the time from kickin' some ass. About the only time I go downtown is to the bike meet in the square.
  21. I always head for the country on mine. Nice winding roads, less cars.
  22. It's called the Prius rulebook.
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