My complaint for today plus some.
Driving on my way in today I see 5 young female mallards on the side of the road waiting to cross. I slow down, put my flashers on, stop and they start walking (across a five lane road mind you). I'm the only one there until the light changes behind me. I'm stopped. With flashers on. I see traffic coming up from behind me. I literally hang out the window of my car while it's raining, arms flailing to get the cars to stop. What does Mr Numbnuts do? Comes by me doing 45 mph. Takes out the first duck. Not pretty. :angry: The rest of the cars on both sides of the median allow the rest to pass. Can't get the picture out of my head of that duck being run over. Or the other ducks looking back as they finished crossing. Guess you can't save 'em all. :cry: