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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Nothing extra from Shannyhands for this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q2LJcRpIbI
  2. Over $700,000 raised for the NHLPA fund so far.
  3. Preseason plus 2 games for MacArthur. Guess they want to take out the "side check".
  4. MacArthur has a hearing with Shannyhands this morning. My take: total dive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pxiPspNCCg
  5. If Shannyhands starts following u on twitter do you get nervous as a player?
  6. Vids up http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=60&id=125539
  7. Dude didn't even stop. Just kept going. ###### ######.
  8. It wasn't a truck it was a car. The dude was looking at me waving out my car window yelling STOP! Still can't get that sound or thought out of my head. I'm damaged.
  9. Smith got called for an in-person hearing not a phone hearing. While he waived his right to an in-person hearing, the purpose of which is that it allows Shannyhands to suspend him for more than 5 games. You can't suspend someone for more than five games without an in-person hearing. I would expect at least five games based on that alone.
  10. The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.
  11. My complaint for today plus some. Driving on my way in today I see 5 young female mallards on the side of the road waiting to cross. I slow down, put my flashers on, stop and they start walking (across a five lane road mind you). I'm the only one there until the light changes behind me. I'm stopped. With flashers on. I see traffic coming up from behind me. I literally hang out the window of my car while it's raining, arms flailing to get the cars to stop. What does Mr Numbnuts do? Comes by me doing 45 mph. Takes out the first duck. Not pretty. :angry: The rest of the cars on both sides of the median allow the rest to pass. Can't get the picture out of my head of that duck being run over. Or the other ducks looking back as they finished crossing. Guess you can't save 'em all. :cry:
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TbZAua6JJ4
  13. Next? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P2wTEidNEE Looks like the Neil hit.
  14. ba-bump
  15. Buffalo Bills made the cover of Sports Illustrated.
  16. So when Drury got hit by Neil (and Neil got nothing) = Wisniewski's hit the other day that got him 8 games.
  17. For first offenders, players forfeit one day's salary for each regular season game lost (1/ total number of days in the season measured from the date of the League's first regular season game to the last, irrespective of the player's team's schedule); For repeat offenders (second or more incidents in 18 months) player forfeits one game's salary for each regular season game lost (1/ number of regular season games for each regular season game suspended) Generally repeat offenders pay more.
  18. This just in from Shanahan. There will be videos on hits that were borderline but legal. Someone's listening.
  19. IMO Sestito's hit was way worse than Goose's. IIRC Gaustad got hit by a player he knew was there and the player didn't take a run at him. Sestito came from across the ice on an unsuspecting player.
  20. Ironic. Don't cha think?
  21. As stupid as Simmonds calling Avery a ###### ######? edit: a (f-word with ing at the end) plus a homophobic slur starting with f.
  22. Sestito's going down for this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HkWTfc4nFs
  23. Good but I still want to know why a few guys have NOT been suspended.
  24. Staubitz suspended.Pre-season plus 3 games.
  25. tee-hee :clapping:
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