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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. then... where in the hell did I park the car?
  2. Party at Pearl Street, then rope line, then all access suite, then...
  3. Pearl street food.
  4. You have a small penis. Does that take you down to a comfortable level?
  5. Marinara or real sauce? :nana:
  6. Can we get this thread back to talking about food please?
  7. Weeeeeeeeeee
  8. Nipple clamps? Freudian slip?
  9. First thing that popped in my head were KY and nipple cream. I'm a terrible person.
  10. A plate of optimism, kool aid, and a side of disappointment for lunch today.
  11. Hey there sailor. Hittin the waves tonight?
  12. It's all Stafford's fault.
  13. Nah, Ellis and a second, plus a bag of pucks (those ones that show up on TV all lit up)
  14. Ink frequently relieves himself on the board. :nana: R U on a boat too?
  15. So....subtle.
  16. http://bit.ly/x13O4Z
  17. You don't have any warn status here so idk wtf ur talking about. Only mods can warn. Believe me, it's not easy. it's discussed among mods, kinda a jury of your peers.
  18. You seem to think ur the only one warned?
  19. He's just found out he has not only one, but two, two vajayjay's.
  20. Akami sushi. yum
  21. I have to say I don't watch much football, but hanging out with friends last night watching the Giants game was friggin awesome.
  22. Three games for Ferrence http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=60&id=151724
  23. I'm keeping track of everyone's diet and will estimate your time of death by next Friday. :w00t: / :devil:
  24. Three egg cheese omelotte. Dash of fresh ground pepper. Yum.
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