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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Yes. I've got drag bars on mine (stock).
  2. Why yes. Yes it is. Wouldn't mind a cafe style bike though. Not that those can't be pretty and shiny but you get my point.
  3. I'll agree with this. Why is there no competition for Delta Sonic? It's not like there aren't enough cars to go around.
  4. I usually wait until all the salt on the roads has been washed away.
  5. Seeing my first Robin of the year today. It somehow says goodbye to winter, or whatever the hell the last 4 months were.
  6. LOL http://runforyourlives.com/
  7. Kendall Coffey: Spinning the Law
  8. Something upper body outer extremity.
  9. I think u should go back on the meds.
  10. Or this guy
  11. While reading the news off the Telex machine?
  12. Not sure if it was mentioned, Hodgson trains with Gary Roberts over the summer. http://video.thescore.com/watch/the-offseason-promo
  13. So you see what I did there? I've been holding back all day. Opportunities everywhere today.
  14. Bylsma says Letang has concussion symptoms.
  15. Don't go sucking on anything until you're healed. You'll get dry socket.
  16. Maybe you get one of those Vue brewers when they come out?
  17. Do you get your pods from the store or online?
  18. Awesome women think alike :D
  19. ahem...my KEURIG!
  20. Here's the thing with Keurig: You can have a different type of coffee each time as well as teas, hot chocolate... It takes about 3 minutes to heat up and brews a cup in about 30secs. My reason for getting it was to not spend 2 bucks a day at Timmy Ho's or MickeyD's Pods are anywhere from .42 to .80 I still have the brewer for parties.
  21. I've got one too. It works nice but is a pain to empty/refill. (I know, Lindy made me soft)
  22. That seems like a lot of work.
  23. BOOM! Roughing call on the play. Not sure that's warranted.
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