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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Just talked to an agent and coaches pay is not deductible as a cost. Although RJ's is.
  2. Looks like the eclipse would be over 2 hours long over there http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEgoogle/SEgoogle2001/SE2012May20Agoogle.html Cool. Except the 2 o'clock in the morning part.
  3. Ruff doesn't help the team win so he doesn't help generate revenue. Got it.
  4. Where did you hear that? Coaches contribute to the revenue generation of a team so they are a direct cost. The same way Rj's salary is a direct cost.
  5. HRR is net of direct costs and expenses.
  6. Let me quote Fehr, " :w00t: :w00t: "
  7. Players share is 57% right now. Going to 50% is a hell of a lot of money. IMO players made concessions last time to try and fix the owners problems. If the owners can't fix their problems why should the players give them more money. Revenues are up something like 50%. If you can't manage a team then sell. Quitchrbitchin.
  8. Donna Summer dead. I have happy memories of me and my Dad dancing to her record when I as younger. Dancin' Chz! lol
  9. FWIW the CBA states that either side must provide notice 120 days prior to end of current CBA that they want to terminate/modify it or it gets automatically renewed for one year. That would have been this Friday.
  10. The NHL has officially provided notice to the NHLPA that it wants to terminate and/or modify the CBA. Not shocking but, there it is.
  11. Or this one...
  12. The world isn't coming to an end. Another Mayan calendar found.
  13. Funerals. Closure but still SUCK.
  14. Thanks again guys, and gals.
  15. I don't want to lower anyone's mood on a great Friday. Maybe it helps me to write it out to you folks that I'm so good "friends" with. I just learned one of my best friends od'd last night and died. We all tried to help and nothing worked, interventions, the whole nine yards. I guess there comes a point when you can't face life anymore. Thanks for listening.
  16. The family is looking into it. http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-junior-seau-brain-study-20120503,0,1280862.story
  17. Seeing these guys at Club Infinity May 22nd. http://youtu.be/50J1qwE1h7M
  18. RIP Junior Seau dead at 43.
  19. bumpity bum bump...
  20. I am also unable to grow "a pair".
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