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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. spndnchz


    You can follow people but not their retweets. Check ur settings.
  2. I'm hoping Ennis pans out. I'm hoping Oreo does even more. I hope Oreo Blizzard moves up to the number one center spot by game 15. I hope.
  3. In last 5 yrs, Nash would've ranked 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st & 1st on NYR in goals.
  4. and here is the problem with the cap going up all the time. (says the small market team, not Buffalo)
  5. Weber to Philly Nash to Rangers Doan to B-lo makes sense to me.
  6. Leino, Stafford, Brennan and a first. (I know he didn't list B-lo)
  7. spndnchz


    One of the better moments on twitter was when I had a "convo" with Gragnani's brother about why he wasn't playing. One of the responses: "Lidstrom is the best in the league and finished with 16 hits. Hits don't matter, it's not his game. Ehroff is there to shoot"
  8. Versteeg avoids arbitration with Florida. Signs 4 year deal for 4.4 per year. If Ennis gets anything under 3 million it's a steal.
  9. spndnchz


    Another tip: Up to you but I have a few different accounts. The spndnchz is just Hockey all the people I follow are hockey related. My other account is for friends and other stuff.
  10. spndnchz


    @spndnchz of course. I don't have many followers and I don't really care. I'm not some rumor person. I don't retweet stuff from people most everyone follows, like the Sabres, dreger, etc. I do retweet interesting, odd, or just plain funny stuff. Oh, and I occasionally butt tweet. @BillHoppeNHL quick updates from pressers. @LetsgoAmerks Keith Wozniak @otter2nine Steve Ott My list of Sabres prospects
  11. spndnchz


    Me! lol
  12. fixed. Reduced by 10 per year for four yrs.
  13. 10 initial scholarship losses, 10 scholarships losses per year for four years 5 years probation $60 million fine to go towards child abuse (equal to 1 yr revenue) Vacates Paterno's wins from 1998 - 2011. No longer NCAA career wins leader. 4 year bowl ban. Any player can transfer and play immediately.
  14. The more I hear the more I think no hockey. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/story/2012/07/21/spf-labour-dispute-players-perspective-collective-bargaining-agreement.html
  15. Keith Aucoin has signed with the Toronto Maple Leafs.
  16. He's in Philly today. They'll need to trade someone to get both Weber and Doan on the roster.
  17. Oh crap. Doan is meeting with the Rangers today. ###### me.
  18. Paterno can swim with the fishes.
  19. Over 400,000 views! You're all a bunch of ######!!!!! lol
  20. Not bad. We've got 30 packs for between $20-$30. Some are less than that but yuck. 6 pack of good beer is like $8-$9. Is there a big tax on liquor there?
  21. How much is a case of beer in the UK?
  22. I thought it was already broken? Lol
  23. Was more in reference to the league as a whole, more than just Sabres.
  24. http://youtu.be/IJ_R-G_i4Xk They're all a mess. Him, his brother, the whole lot.
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