Just want to make up your own opinion without examining the facts. Okay gotcha. Have fun with that. Anything that happens anywhere ends up with some subsidies to prove that the end result is positive. If it hurts you so much much why don't you just stop watching.
TPegs is footing the bill for all of it. They know they'll lose money on the rink. He's committed to the community and all you want to do is put him down and call him a pedophile. Ur an ass. Oh sorry, don't attack the poster. Your views are assholish.
I would think you would have to look at how much money/taxes a resident would spend/generate vs. a million people coming from out of town, buying goods, food, etc.
Webster ice will NOT be a Sabres practice facility.
Junior Sabres, Canisius, SABAH, mens leagues, USA Hockey, high schools, Hasek's Heroes, Darius' church, plus some others.