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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. true, nope not it.
  2. Amerks will announce their third jerseys around 2PM.
  3. Ah com'on man. You have to give your mom credit for your gf at least.
  4. Motion carried, on to new business...
  5. What's wrong with this picture?
  6. NHL proposal says they want an 11% drop in players share. What they don't tell you is they want an 8% increase in players escrow too.
  7. Daly and Fehr had dinner together last night. No word yet on how they split the pie they had for dessert.
  8. Ovechkin talks CBA http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/capitals-watch/2012/sep/4/transcript-capitals-alex-ovechkin-talks-nhl-nhlpa/
  9. spndnchz

    NHL 13

    Step one: unplug machine. Oh, and Happy Birthday
  10. Slovan will offer "lockout" contracts to Hossa, Chara and Visnovsky.
  11. Make sure u rinse those out dude. Fruit flies.
  12. Some people spoil their second chances.
  13. Their current rink holds as many as the Webster rink (about 1,800)
  14. Jewish man with a fiddle?
  15. I wouldn't necessarily call myself an animal "lover" but the whole thing at Marineland is just making me sick. It's so sad those animals have to go through that and in fact die or go blind from neglect. http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1241961--marineland-animals-suffering-former-staffers-say https://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/save-marineland-s-animals
  16. NBCSN will show NHL games every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday..
  17. Not to freak you but having an 8 yr old boy who has learned "foul" things around your two daughters may not be so good.
  18. The 12 exclusive is I believe the most in the league. There's also 11 games on TSN.
  19. 14 Sabre games on NBC Sports Network this year. 12 of those are exclusive games and one is a flex game with NBC. 1 Sunday Pens game on NBC 5 games on HNIC. 2 games on NHL Network.
  20. http://videosift.com/video/Spoiled-girl-can-t-even-make-her-own-bowl-of-cereal
  21. Fair and balanced.... http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/08/30/paul-ryans-speech-in-three-words/
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