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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Wasn't saying it was new, just a good article for some people.
  2. I think they planned to have a game here anyway. The same way they did last year? Rumblings of them adding two more this year also. I still like to here that they'll be on MSG.
  3. A really good article on HRR by Friedman http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/opinion/2012/09/making-sense-of-hockey-related-revenue.html
  4. I'm unpinning this thread since nothing can happen as far as trades and ###### until the lockout ends. Feel free to start threads on OHL and the like...
  5. The Amerks home game vs Hamilton will be at the F'N Center. This is the game scheduled on 10/21 in Roch. Now it's 10/23 in Buffalo. Tickets go on sale next Friday $25-$15 http://www.amerks.com/newsX.asp?type=News&aID=609
  6. Only so much 'best of' I can take.
  7. If the Sabres thought anything of their fans they'd put all Amerks games on MSG.
  8. They won't be suspended if they don't instigate the fights over 10.
  9. Wow u guys r old.
  10. More hoppy. "Special Ale" is what they call it. My favorite is Hop Stoooopid.
  11. To be fair, it goes the other way too.
  12. Owners keep the appreciation of the team. To equate to a stock, owners keep all the appreciation and players get 52% of the dividend after expenses. Owners know the risk going in. It's not like they're uninformed and I should feel sorry for them if they lose money. Maybe they should run their team better.
  13. So you think the game of football is just as good with replacement referees?
  14. Isn't risk whether known or not still risk?
  15. I invest in the product on the ice. I pay for pop, pretzels at the Arena. That's about as far as I go for investing in a hockey team. Some teams get tax breaks. Just like the Bills are asking for money to renuvate. The money the get from the state is about what the state gets from taxing the players salaries. Owners should have the risk. When was the last time a player got any share of the teams value when they were sold? How much of that relocation fee or ownership change fee do the players get? Nothing. I'm not saying the players are all right and the owners all wrong. I beleive the players proposal goes toward the longevity of the teams and the sport. We don't want to be here in 5 years all over again with failing teams and being asked to take a 17.5% paycut again.
  16. Even if league revenues grow at just 5 per cent (which they have exceeded in all but one of the last six years), the players will be offering back about $340-million (or $70-million a season) from where they are now at 57 per cent. Now if the owners were willing to share that amongst the losing teams they... well I'll just stop there.
  17. HRR is net of expenses to generate that revenue. Coaching and a few staff are not considered expenses deductible for HRR so besides that there's not much left out. BTW the league's first offered wanted to include those currently 'undeductible' expenses. You know what happens when the players on those teams suck? People don't watch, owners lose. How is not getting paid what you were promised not a economic risk? :doh:
  18. So you think the players should bail out the teams that are losing money? Serious question.
  19. Reason number two: Bettman: "We think we're paying players more than we should". Owners signed $200 million in contracts the two days before the lockout. Financial hardship or contract spending orgie? (###### gets censored)
  20. Reason number one, the current CBA is the one that the owners locked out the players to get, it doesn't work. So they want a new CBA who's to say that's going to work?
  21. Why do you side with ownership?
  22. Southern Tier Harvest IPA, slow roasted pork, home grown cherry tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. Easy eats.
  23. http://video.sabres....tid=0&id=186244 Q) Do I have to pay my account in full with the impending work stoppage? A) The final payment for Season Ticketholders was September 12. If you have not made this payment, you can wait until the agreement is reached and we will credit any cancelled games against your balance due. You will not be eligible for a refund or interest unless the account is paid in full. Seems I wasn't the only one.
  24. He has 57 games to go before he's waiver eligilble.
  25. He'd be subject to waivers. He'd be gone.
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