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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. I’ve learned to just keep my mouth shut, except for private face to face conversations. Being sued is no fun at all. Even when you know you’re right.
  2. I’ve seen them twice. Give all that back to see him again. RIP
  3. Is there still such a thing as a good loss and yeah Mitts could’ve ended that game twice
  4. Gonna be a physical game? Caps think we’re soft
  5. What I mean is we can talk about it all we want (the purpose of) but it’s not up to us.
  6. Martin.
  7. If you’re in the Arena you can here it. Pass, snap, pass, snap.
  8. Been there. It only gets better bud. Keep on the Doc’s orders.
  9. Sign now and we’ll send you an adorable plush elephant…
  10. So… My iPad Pro died. Man do I miss it. placed the order for a new 12.9 Pro, but it won’t be here for another week.
  11. So my Uncle and my Grampa both passed away today. I’ve never had so much pain.
  12. Fixed @dudacek
  13. What to lose? Another game?
  14. https://www.nhl.com/video/sabres-classics-may-day-game/t-316412004/c-5383154
  15. Sun fire: most of our goalies.. in fact anyone will be on our Stanley Cup team
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