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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Tonight at 7PM on MSG they are going to show the statue unveiling. Followed by the May Day game at 8pm
  2. Do you care? You said to ask.
  3. Fehr letter to players outlining offers: http://espn.go.com/blog/nhl/post/_/id/19875/donald-fehrs-latest-letter-to-players
  4. "League announces cancellation of more games" No sh!t Sherlock. They said the earliest start would be Nov 2nd. 135 games total to be "made up"
  5. Basically the players salaries go down by 13%. That 13% is given back to the players by taking it out of the players 50% cut.
  6. You guys just love talking about facials don't you.
  7. It's had it's ups and downs. We need carp to do a chart! :wacko:
  8. What? Under the third, the players agreed to an immediate 50-50 split in revenues if the league would carve out the approximately $650 million-$700 million that would be affected by the 12.3-percent cut in share from 57 percent. Under this proposal, 87 percent of the annual rate of existing contracts would be applied against the players’ share with the other 13 percent carved out of the equation. Approximately 270 contracts are due to expire at the end of this season, with another 215 set to expire at the end of 2013-14. The league’s proposal on Tuesday featured a mechanism to make good on current contracts by having the players themselves assume the burden of deferred payments to correct projected immediate double-digit escrow withholding. http://www.nypost.co...IsjS0R7Q3NzVDfK You have to remember that players share dollars and actual contract money are two different things.
  9. Working for da man. Sweet.
  10. http://youtu.be/J96uZ-06ock Even after the drop it's averaging 35% a year since 2009.
  11. Interestingly enough, the average salary cap payroll of the league is $60,037,820. Bettman wants the cap going forward to start at $59.9 million (you can go over in 2012-13). Basically this means the NHL will not be spending anymore money on players, overall, as it already has planned. The league is offering (how nice of them) to pay the difference between the 57% and the 50% to players under contract so that existing contracts are not reduced and players are paid their contracts full value. Now you ask, where do these dollars come from? Certainly the owners would be paying this difference seeing as they were the one's that signed the contracts right? Nope. At the end of the year HRR would be figured out and an amount equal to this "difference" (what the owners said they would pay and what they actually paid) would be taken from the players share of HRR. Estimated to be about $211 million over the first two years. The league is saying that after year two the players share DOLLARS will have caught up to what they were paid last year and no player paid "make whole" money would be needed.
  12. Leipold during meeting "I don't want to honor Parise and Suter contracts". Then why the ###### did u sign them?
  13. The players want their existing contracts to be honored. The owners don't want to honor them. The players are willing to go 50/50 from the get go if they honor them. Seems pretty simple to me. Set the players 'new' cap number at whatever it was as a percentage of the old cap. Owners pay what they originally signed up to pay the player. Maybe concession on contracts that are already signed for 13-14 are voided (like Lucic).
  14. The NHLPA has four proposals to show the NHL owners today. All of them slowly bring it down to a 50-50 split.
  15. He means the 16 playoff games you need to win in order to win the Stanley Cup.
  16. Census among fans For: Players 32% Owners 29% Just shut up and play 39%
  17. Generally the more people involved the less that gets done. I'm assuming that they have their counter all made up already and will have a Gatorade and come out of the room with all the guys for some PR. Owners Jacobs, Leipold, Edwards and Leonsis will be with Bettman. I say they drop the buckets and go. Last man standing gets 51%
  18. I know right?
  19. The following players are in Toronto today: Craig Adams Brad Boyes Chris Campoli David Clarkson Dan Cleary Carlo Colaiacovo Sidney Crosby Mathieu Darche Shane Doan Shawn Horcoff Jarome Iginla Robyn Regehr Eric Staal Matt Stajan Shawn Thornton Jonathan Toews Kevin Westgarth Dan Winnik
  20. Or maybe it will force Lindy to play Enroth a full 30 games.
  21. And leaving your tampons laying around the house. :ph34r:
  22. You should have plenty of those available and froze-up for the zombie apocalypse!
  23. It been thrown around that the "extended" season would have the last day of the Cup Final @ end of June. They would have free agency on July 10 instead of the first.
  24. Can't be that. I do sleepwalk once in a while. Maybe I ran into something? It just hurts all the time. Not really super painful but like someone attached one of those binder clips to my side and left it there.
  25. Many talking about the schedule now. You wonder how 82 games all crammed together will affect the player and if the games will be snooze fests given they're so tired. On top of that maybe playing into late June. I'd rather see them play 70 games or so. Yeah there would be an asterisk on the goals, etc, stats but that's to be expected during a lockout. Now, realizing that the owners want full pay and the players want full pay they'll probably cram all the games in there. There's goes getting my 4% for cancelled games.
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