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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. In other news... The Secret Service has lost track of Tim Thomas.
  2. Voter dies. Then CPR'd. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO02/211060410/Southfield-Twp-voter-appears-die-then-asks-Did-vote-
  3. HELP ! I'm being repressed !
  4. To the Bat Cave!
  5. Grigorenko LIVE on NHL Network right now. Number 25.
  6. Done.
  7. Damn You!! Now I've got that jingle in my head! :cry:
  8. haven't seen a baby born yet. could be walker from the get go? i dunno.
  9. She was shot in the head. The baby on the other hand?
  10. My bf was ROFLHAO after Fitz fumbled.
  11. International competition over the next week. He's on his way home.
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/sp...e-proposal.html
  13. I think it's a big smokescreen. We'll see.
  14. This is different though. Revenues aren't "coming in low", they're the highest they've ever been and owners want to slash salaries. Who exactly is greedy here? We'll see what happens tomorrow when both sides meet. I hope it's over. I'm still pissed at both sides, but I want it over.
  15. Foligno with the game winner in a shootout. Ah, Marcus.
  16. But can they skate?
  17. Why would the NHL make an offer to share the "make whole" on Tuesday but wait until after they cancel the WC to leak it to the media? optics. Of course they did but what owner wants to hear that they actually need to pay the players what they actually signed them for?
  18. Walking out ten minutes into a negotiation. FU move.
  19. Is honoring a contract you signed really conceding? I know I know... Correction "a portion" to be paid by owners. PR move.
  20. NHL's "make whole" provision to be paid for by owners. Now we're getting somewhere.
  21. I don't think he bills them. They just pay him a straight salary. (Like Bettman)
  22. I didn't mean here. I meant in NYC. And NYRR's have insurance for cancellations.
  23. NYRR is saying cancelled. No need to bring the topic and circumstances up again IMO
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