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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Oh great. Now he's gonna have sex with the QB's wife?
  2. Correct. There may be more to it as far as trading buyouts, signing someone you just bought out, etc. But haven't heard anything else besides the number and years so far.
  3. I think we're supposed to sell them and tell the buyer there's a stipulation that they can't go. Easy peasy.
  4. Someone asked somewhere in here about playoffs this year. There will be no "expanded" playoffs this year.
  5. We promise to only flip 5 cars, not 10. Now BRING IT!
  6. I thought he played well with Vanek last year. Kept the riffraff off TV.
  7. Too bad Tropp is out.
  8. Holmstrom retiring.
  9. I thought it was a chili pepper singin' "Feelin' hot hot hot"
  10. Again, it's BS.
  11. he's doing color for both. No Neale except for before, between, and after show
  12. From what I gather he'll be a fill in for Robitaille or Duffer when he's on vacation or sick... and this... cap benefit recapture formula ...makes me dizzy.
  13. A long lost poster is back. He can work on the name later. :thumbsup:
  14. Ray will be between the benches for home games and in the booth for road games. Brain Duff will be doing the between period stuff full time with Neale and Robitaille
  15. Of course.
  16. Sad way for a guy to go out.
  17. Everyone already got paid their bonuses on July 1st. There are no buyouts until AFTER the season is over.
  18. I don't see a team spending $27 million to buyout Luongo. He'll be going to Toronto.
  19. Pronger reporting for physical but says he knows he won't pass. I think he'll be on LTIR from the get go. Gives the Flyers cap relief. If he retires they'd be stuck with his contract and cap hit since it's a 35+yr old contract.
  20. There's at least 10 teams that have that much cap space even with the drop next year.
  21. Roy confirms Grigorenko will be at camp. He spoke with Darcy and DR said he wants him there and then see if he makes the team. http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/sports/remparts/201301/07/01-4608921-mikhail-grigorenko-ira-au-camp-des-sabres.php
  22. My guess is after the BOG approves the CBA on Wednesday.
  23. Under IIHF rules, if they have a current NHL contract they have to come back. They could challenge that rule but I don't think it changes.
  24. Camp can't start at the F'NC Saturday. Bandits are playing. Maybe Amherst rink? I dunno. Just wanna type the letters GDT.
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