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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Oh. Forgot. The one thing I didn't like about yesterday's game... getting randomly scanned by one of those hand held metal detectors.. Do I look like I'm carrying? I felt violated. I understand it's for safety and all but standing there like a scarecrow in front of thousands of people was creepy.
  2. He posed for a pic linkage
  3. spndnchz

    Derek Roy Tracker

    Yup. And Eriksson.
  4. No Leino. I didn't miss him did you? Miller starts. Of course he does. Scrivens starts. Puckdrop @ 7:25 due to all the festivus' I need to somehow autotune Sylvester's voice to make it bearable.
  5. Just remember it can go both ways!
  6. You have GOT to pause at the :37 part of the youtube vid. Where's Hartnell's head? :w00t:
  7. I think the size difference is just Stafford's jersey. It's slimming.
  8. A win, against the Leafs, on my birthday. Com'on Sabres show me some love!
  9. Hartnell hits Pommers from behind early on. He was yapping all game (Something you don't see on TV). Then he hit Ennis from behind. Lindy was trying to get Scott out there most of the night but Hartnell went running for the bench. Stafford took a good right to his head but held on. A win for Stafford in that regard. Even the Ranger announcers saying Buffalo played with grit today. Drop the buckets. Never a poor choice.
  10. Everyone forgot that Shakira sucked. Oh yeah, they played "my" song first one in the game!
  11. Well NHL.com has a picture of Roy for the game preview. #hockeyisback
  12. Pie. The answer is always pie.
  13. Appreciate the effort, but...meh.
  14. We are....
  15. I hope this is the last press conference until the trade deadline. I want hockey, not presser's.
  16. Darcy -roughly- we're talking with TV, Pommer and Miller and would like them to continue with the organization... Definitely different than he was when OSP was here.
  17. TPegs on Lindy: "He's very perceptive on what his shortcomings are" "He seems to be able to juke and jive and do things on his own".
  18. Come on Sabres I've got stuff to do! Wait! Is that Timmay I see behind the curtain?
  19. Sabres are eighth in payroll this year.
  20. I think Ville left practice early yesterday too.
  21. Sabres rank 19th in weight, 13th for height and 19th for age. San Jose number one for height and weight.
  22. Amazing what a little tweet will do.
  23. They're using little printouts this year instead of tickets, FWIW.
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