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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Moved forum/computer issue over here http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/21608-sizzlemeisting/page__p__440572#entry440572 maybe some more explanation as to what specifically is happening
  2. Good stuff. So 1) players take time to develop? 2) by the time they're good they cost too much and leave? 3) current players retire and the vet leadership is gone?
  3. What browser are you running?
  4. This is great. You can hear Reimer screaming "Hey HEY HEEEEYYYYY he's over here GUYS!!!!"
  5. There are 13 other teams out of the playoffs right now.
  6. Because ur weird.
  7. Drury-Gomez, Suter-Parise?
  8. I was going more for the Mikhail's Navy reference but if you want to go that way… not that there's anything wrong with that.
  9. Ahem. Kinda like Palmieri?
  10. Who's Mary? And it's Byron not Biron.
  11. Yeah, the other half could have done better with big titties and botox.
  12. Well. I was there today and nobody showed up. I thanked him for coming but no one else showed.
  13. We should have never traded Byron. We could've saved him to trade for Rupp instead of that old beaten down Regehr dude. DR!!!
  14. So you take away Buffalo's top 5 goal scorers and get 5 goals with the rest. What happens when you do the same thing to Vancouver? 4 goals. You may have a point but it's not ^^this one^^
  15. Just another player Darcy failed to pull the trigger on.
  16. But we're still ahead of Carolina, Washington and Philly! >ducks<
  17. Let's not forget to add on... Sulzer 8GP 2G 1A 3pts and a plus +5 Gragnani - in the AHL
  18. I can guess the remainder of a post simply by reading the first line of each paragraph. Nothing new here. Too easy to bitch.
  19. Thing is, I don't see lazy. I don't see him following through. Finishing. I think, if he can do that, his game may be unstoppable.
  20. "A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace."
  21. System or not he's got to bury that puck while he sitting all alone in front. System or not he's got to actually lay a body on the guy with the puck when he's two feet away. System or not he's got to go after the puck instead of asking the opposing player nicely to give it up. System or not he's got to stop laying soft backhanders into the corner WHEN NO ONE IS THERE! System or not he could show some hustle and show he wants the puck out there.
  22. http://youtu.be/agL3NHgb8Rk
  23. McCormick and Strachan http://youtu.be/5tmk236sQ6c Scott and Parros http://youtu.be/LvXaTqsABNE
  24. Myers was paired up with Brennan most of the Panthers game. I saw Brennan a few times standing at the blue line and seemed surprised that the puck was in the corner already. it was like he was saying "where'd the puck go? oh crap"
  25. He looked like crap the last game.
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