They can talk with other teams about what they may get back for Miller before be submits the list. They may even talk with teams that are on the list out of curiosity. Before or after those talks (def before Wednesday) they'd ask for the list.
In order to not piss off the player you would have that semi-deal in place but not on paper before you ask the player.
Personally, I can't drink any flavored beer. Same goes for coffee. I do like that Hop Stooopid that was mentioned. Got a 12 of Sam Adams Hopology. It was the worst. Tasted like I was drinking one of those pine tree air fresheners you put in your car.
So, Chiarelli says he talked to Feaster at noon on Wed and had the deal of 2 prospects and a first for Iginla done.
Feaster called him at quarter to midnight and said Iginla picked Pens.
Chiarelli said he was never told that the player had the last say and thought he had a deal done.
Sour meet grapes.