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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Leino looks done for the season. Vanek not sure for tonight.
  2. That's a rather blanket statement. The whiner line doesn't represent all fans.
  3. It was a caller that said "it's like your kids. If they're playing poorly you wouldn't boo them".
  4. Otter vs Harrington
  5. It doesn't help that some nights 1/3rd of the F'NC is opposing fans. Last game some of that booing, that started with Sabres fans, was quickly joined by opposing fans booing and making fun of the whole thing. That offer of STH being able to buy more tix at STH prices backfired big time when it comes to being in your "own barn".
  6. Pretty sure that was shown at his arbitration meeting. lol
  7. He's right. The truth hurts eh Buffalo?
  8. And on that note...
  9. Guy and his friends (assuming they bought STH tix because I know pretty much everyone around me) wouldn't shut the ###### up the whole game. Yap yap yap about everything from why they didn't get hooked up on Patty's Day "I thought we were doing pretty good until..." to the girl at work to... freakin annoying.
  10. You assume the booing fans actually know who is on the ice. I had a guy wondering when Hecht got so fast. Had to inform him it was Flynn.
  11. If booing made the Sabres a better team we'd be better by now. If cheering made the Sabres a better team we'd be better by now.
  12. How 'bout that third period ice time Luker?
  13. They let all the shooters go in the AHL? Even after we go up 2-0?
  14. I'd trade Amerks tix for Sabres at this point.
  15. Just saying welcome.
  16. Drain is right. The video misses just after that smack on his helmet that Ruff whips out a baseball bat smacks Adam in the shins making him bend over for the rest of the bat. J'sus man stop reliving your childhood on the board.
  17. Draft day is June 30th. Teams can make trades as soon as the playoffs are over. Players or picks.
  18. Mental notes: Adam one timer: as the pass was coming over to him you could hear him thinking "wait for it, wait for it, don't screw this up, put it on net, geez it's taking forever for the puck to get here, okay, ready, steady, shoot"! That charging call on Kaleta was bullspit. Pysyk passes awesomely. Flynn is pretty fast. Scott is not only funny but plays a simple game, always in the right spot.
  19. Game is being replayed on MSG at 10AM
  20. There's no room for a 50 goal scorer on this team.
  21. Is that Enroth at 1:37? It is It is! it's Jhonas!!!!
  22. Yeah, yours truly going tonight. I told myself last game that I wasn't going to get out of my seat if the Sabres scored. That didn't work out. I'm gonna go and have fun. I'm gonna go and have fun. I'm gonna go and have fun. I'm gonna go and have fun.
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