Laviolette's job on the line. Probably Rolston too.
Sabres pretty much out of it but this game could give hope (not much).
Coming up as both MSG and NBCSN game.
The only win I really want them to get is on Sunday. I'm taking my 5 yr old nephew to his first game. His Dad is a fan but knows I'll have more fun with him. :D Maybe if we're up after the second period I'll just tell him we won and leave. B-)
Could be this one in the second period. They did say a broken bone IN leg not a broken leg.
You could hear that block in the 300's. Can't say Myers quit that game.
This. I said this sooooo many times watching the game last night.
What IS that? Why didn't he... Why is he standing there? What was he thinking? Why did he do THAT?
I honestly hope they quit. Not to get a higher pick but just to get it over with.