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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. How the hell does Roy elevate into a head shot a ladder?
  2. Man I miss the playoffs.
  3. Dude with Toronto Stronger sign is one big douchenozzle. How does that get on the video board at the game. Stay classy Toronto.
  4. looks like someone forgot who they logged in as.
  5. How did I miss this? Foligno's got some moves! :wub:
  6. spndnchz

    Derek Roy Tracker

    "Diminutive Derek". But he's a top 20 center! Good old double D.
  7. Holy crap people in the streets of Toronto. Not Unexpected but holy crap.
  8. Levity man. Levity. Or facetiousness if you prefer.
  9. From Davis- not the first time Canadiens have shot the puck at a player
  10. So. How crazy is Toronto going to be tonight? Only 16 tickets left on StubHub from $340-$995
  11. How about Miller goes away somewhere, Vancouver keeps most of Luongo's salary and we take him as backup for Ethron.
  12. You'd buy a violin and dance on rooftops?
  13. All bagging aside, I'd be on video reviews!
  14. We need a thread titled "If you could be any THING in hockey, what would it be?" I might choose the goal line. Nice view.
  15. If I was a power forward...
  16. You can play?
  17. What he sent down to the Marlies before or after Burke was fired?
  18. Boys, boys, boys. What else is there to start a new thread about?
  19. Me too. In the past it's only taken a second round pick to move up in the first. Give someone Gerbe. :w00t:
  20. GM's make those rules not the players.
  21. A lot to watch here. 5:15 AM set your DVR for Vanek on NBCSN Ehrhoff is team Captain for Germany.
  22. Two game suspension for Gryba. Unbelievable.
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