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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Go buy one of those little tricycles and chain it to the spot. I'd pay $150 for that. Oh, and with a little license plate that says F U on it.
  2. They had to sign him by June 1 or he could re-enter the draft. Only other one left is Lepkowski. Jacobs had an ATO late last season with the Amerks. Anyone watch him? He's a 20 year old 6'-1" 215 lb center.
  3. Maybe the old Lindy, but the new Lindy? He was a much softer coach last few years.
  4. Never lost a pet? I thought everyone has lost a pet. :cry:
  5. It's something like "National Buckle up week" or something like that. He's prolly looking for seatbelt use.
  6. Ironic considering the Pittsburgh Brewing Company brews the most beer for Sam Adams. Stoopid Bostonians. (sans shrader)
  7. Marineland. Amongst other allegations of poor animal treatment, poor water conditions and blindness to their animals, you can add two more deaths to their Beluga whales. http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/351082
  8. Maybe they'll fly you in from California for free for the job interview. Just another well.
  9. http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/rangers/players_made_thin_clear_to_sather_cOsHma3Fr70r6KKllcqh1K
  10. Terrible call. Just terrible.
  11. And the Rangers would let him retire with a year left? Holy legacy Batman!
  12. That 17 mill is spread out over the remaining years of the contract.
  13. Just drink it. Lol
  14. Thanks to those of you who serve our Country. God Bless America!
  15. Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
  16. Hello Sens. Meet Asskicked.
  17. I betting new ownership in the next few days for Phoenix.
  18. But it's ORGANIC!!!
  19. 15 goals in his last 2 years. ZOMGADVANCEDSTATISTICS!!! LOL
  20. **cough cough** Pyatt **cough cough**
  21. You can throw in buying the Rochester Amerks somewhere in there too.
  22. We should show that site again. https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/lff2/team-luca I assume we all give to something. Why not someone you "know"?
  23. and then they write a column complaining about twitter trolls.....
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