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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Did Holmgren wait on Bryz's buyout because Toronto was going to take him after he got bought out? After Bernier goes to Toronto he changes his mind? Just a thought. Here's another: Tim Thomas to Philly.
  2. Lets wait until next week for this. :thumbsup:
  3. Never thought that Yashin's buyout would be topped. But Bryzgalov's does by 6 years! At least there's no cap hit.
  4. We've found Mr Kane.
  5. But...but... the GM said..... :w00t:
  6. http://youtu.be/GBClH0BSUHs
  7. Your man Kovalchuk's got 9 million worth of salary and something like 30 to 35,000,000 worth of salary cap left for his last 4 or 5 years. Should he be bought out too? Wouldn't he be a huge signing mistake by the New Jersey Devils?
  8. I saw that too. Holy eyebags Batman.
  9. An incredible finish to an awesome Stanley Cup final series. And go Hawks! The Sabres will have to wait their turn but they'll get there, they'll get there.
  10. It's more like: Hey Van, how's it goin'. OK I guess what's up? Well, we'd like to keep you and have you retire a Sabre. Really? Yes really. But what if I don't want to stay? Then we're shopping you. Ok. To who? Well TV, since you don't have a choice, everyone. Will I have a choice? Yeah. We'll play nice. We'll get a player, pick and prospect from here and a ..... I'd rather go to ______ if possible. OK. So you can take X for Y years with us or pack your bags.
  11. I was thinking today (yes I do this sometimes) that I think I've teared up at every Cup presentation. Just the thought of those guys working all their lives to get a chance. Being a kid and working hard all those years to get there. Then there it is. You can see it in their eyes, all that joy. I'm usually pretty happy for the players that win it, maybe not the team so much, but the players.
  12. Hey! I have one of these! It takes the wrinkles out of my shirts!
  13. His cap hit is 27mill. How exactly is this "symbolic". However you slice it he gets paid 27 mill.
  14. Darcy sucks.
  15. You realize this was two full weeks after the Cup final ended right?
  16. http://tw.nbcsports.com/GB7
  17. It's like they used water from Ellicott Creek or something.
  18. Saranac beers suck. I don't know why I keep giving them a second chance.
  19. What could be more awesome than a cure for cancer. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2246312/Girl-7-beats-leukaemia-revolutionary-treatment-using-HIV-virus-wire-immune-system.html Awesome.
  20. FWIW Suter has a website now. http://rsuter20.com/
  21. Bike lanes?
  22. He doesn't expect him to be uninvolved, he wants him to be uninvolved.
  23. I'm guessing he goes to New Jersey Devils.
  24. I'm rooting for Hawks, Paille and indifference. In no particular order.
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