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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. You mean you come in the handy sometimes?
  2. Haha Quenneville's neighbors TP'd his house. http://www.csnchicago.com/blackhawks-talk/quennevilles-house-gets-tpd-after-cup-win
  3. If you want to watch the Cup Parade it's here: http://www.csnchicago.com/page/blackhawks-rally-2013
  4. For a woman who loves soap operas, this next week of the NHL is going to be fantastic.
  5. Is Hasek still available?
  6. House hunting. Nice on the outside, piece of crap on the inside or vice versa.
  7. Sabres should sign Montador. >ducks<
  8. You can buyout 2 contracts either now or in 2014, but just two total. The Bolts should have made that deal Lawton put together a few years ago for Vinny.
  9. I propose the NHL start a new team called the Seatlle buyouts. All these players go to that team.
  10. You can only bury the first $925,000 the rest counts.
  11. Sorry I'm terribly sarcastic.
  12. Payless?
  13. Seems like a great time to sit back, take a look at your posts, and see the intervention that is happening around you. Maybe the couple thousand people around you just aren't your style. There's no conspiracy or censorship here just an etiquette to pursue.
  14. Nope he's right. You may not mean it but the words come across that way.
  15. After game 5, rib and cartillage During game 6, separated shoulder After game 6 small hole in lung As for the shot I assume like a cortisone shot it goes directly to the affected area.
  16. Or the idiot that gave him a shot for the pain and ended up puncturing his lung. Thanks Doc!
  17. There comes a point where playing hurt is just DUMB.
  18. For clarity, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is understood that the charges set forth above shall be added to the class action suit which fans may assert under post 1-187 as permitted by the representations and warranties set forth.
  19. I think he used a Nikon camera. I also think, correct me if I'm wrong, that it was shot via remote control. Edit: Nikon D4
  20. Pics or it didn't happen.
  21. She's a he and a friend of a friend.
  22. There's no wording on that in the CBA. Must be a memo or something.
  23. Sick pic of game winner by @babsphoto going to be cover of SI
  24. http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Live Torts getting introduced to media. Some Canucks players there too.
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