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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Hiatus. Started Breaking Bad Friday night. I'm on season 5 ep 3 now. I rewatched season 1 ep 1-3 with a friend last night. Amazing the connection to episodes into season 3.
  2. 39 million. 5.57 cap hit. That could be boom or bust for both parties.
  3. My Larceny is all gone.
  4. Meh. He played.
  5. Scott Arniel named as Rangers new Associate Coach.
  6. I hurt. One hell of a weekend. Bottle's half gone.
  7. I know many of you like Larceny here. I was at the store and picked up a handle of it. The $20 rebate ends 8-15-2013 FWIW.
  8. Oh God please NO.
  9. So, my rib has finally improved and I have bad hip flexor. Hurts to even move my foot from the gas to the brake. Help!!
  10. Because of time served he'll be still on his entry deal (yr 1) come 13-14.
  11. http://youtu.be/vwc9_nqX6Zc
  12. In my lifetime or all-time? The fog game sticks in my head although it's before my time. Drury 7.7 in my lifetime.
  13. My shipment of Biogenesis just came in. Winning!
  14. I'm pretty sure that's because he's messed in the head. He knows if he plays again it could be enders for him. Thanks Abdelkader. :censored:
  15. http://jezebel.com/yale-officially-declares-nonconsensual-sex-not-that-b-988475927
  16. That's terrible but I'm sorry I'm LMAO.
  17. You have some ultra power telescope so that u can c him from Nova Scotia?
  18. Don't worry. Kevin's going nowhere. (Lindy smiles)
  19. You know what would suck? The Sabres tank and we get first pick but because the NHL expands, the new team gets the first pick.
  20. Me too. Picked up a 12 of their "Pack of Pales" last weekend.
  21. $900,000. You've come a LONG way Scotty.
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