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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Hells no. Not now. Everything closes after Labor Day.
  2. Tebow Tebow Tebow....
  3. That's nothin'. My neighbor plays the freakin' bagpipes.
  4. ^^^ Pretty sure you can only slide once. I'll look into it.
  5. Vinny looks weird in that Philly jersey. Gonna take some getting use to.
  6. To pile on... I think Rolston will do a much better job of showing Grigorenko what his role is and how to execute it better.
  7. I was at Consumers yesterday. They have about 20 Octoberfest or Pumpkin beers. Pumpkin belongs in a pie IMO, not in a beer.
  8. Bitch. Please. You're a hipster snob and you know it.
  9. I pity the Tuel.
  10. Jagr can't fight.
  11. https://twitter.com/hannahschuck/status/371047485336477697
  12. 20 seconds? Not bad for your age. I bet you went longer as a teenager.
  13. Put your pants back on.
  14. Yeah. Kane Saturday and Bowman Sunday.
  15. I need video or it didn't happen.
  16. http://youtu.be/G3698Bs9FGM
  17. I LOVED A-Rod getting hit with that pitch. Looks like more than just fans are pissed at him.
  18. Breckinridge Brewery small 471 batch double hopped IPA. Pleasant. 9.2% alcohol and I don't taste any of it.
  19. GR email says Elliott is done for the year. ACL. EJ done for the preseason with a knee procedure.
  20. His girlfriend is gonna be pissed.
  21. Does this work? Should be Hyatt downtown. It's the only 3 1/2 star downtown. http://www.priceline...xz40.hl1qdts0.1
  22. Don't forget the handle of Larceny while doing it. haha
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