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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Oumm Hawaii?
  2. I thought we had a thing? You get snow and your Jo Jo drop? Ugh, see ya next week
  3. He/she May not apply here
  4. Better than a tornado Auntie Em
  5. To the rafter's! ok maybe not
  6. Mattias replacement
  7. Better than a tornado Auntie Em
  8. OMG can the TnT announcers get any worse. Haven’t called a play the whole first period.
  9. I don’t see that
  10. It. Not gonna happen where I’m at. 6 inches is nothing
  11. They are over blowing it IMHO. Airport should be fine
  12. Meh. It’s just snow. Not like a foot is shutting down the town.
  13. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. This will be my fifth concussion. So I’ve learned how to deal with it. Just don’t be on the computer or watching TV or have the music load for the first week. Second week just try to bring yourself up to speed and now that I’m in my third week, I am slowly getting back into my usual rhythm. chz will be fine
  14. Benson reminds me so much of Reinhardt.
  15. Bump. it’s my second Christmas tomorrow. Had bad fall, complete with concussion the weekend before Christmas. Slept for 3 days straight. Now I get to wrap presents. 🍩☕️
  16. Win 3 out of every 5 they’d be close.
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