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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. Panthers have the ‘new’ Sabres Jumbotron
  2. ESPN guys talking pretty good about the Sabres. There’s that
  3. 1-2 home team goes last. Just saying
  4. Found my Hulu password. I’m in
  5. And done Veal free to start a topic again. This one is dead.
  6. Let it out. Let it all out
  7. I think you hit the nail on the head here. Teaches and demand it. The latter is lacking.
  8. So the coach was bad? Or the players needed to wake up ?🤔
  9. Oh ? Who? I’m curious to see it
  10. IMO that just means you are an ahole organization.
  11. For a one sentence in a dead newspaper it’s got a bunch of ‘pile on’ people
  12. Levi, from what I’ve heard, will be starting the next Sabres game.
  13. Coherence? Now I’m confused 😶
  14. I’m a fan. Mod has nothing to do with it
  15. We have cap space just need the right players.
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