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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. I don’t think this is a MSG game
  2. Was that you taking pictures in my backyard?
  3. I guess compared to the team it seems best. But compared to the league not so much.
  4. Thanks to the hearts that keep me going. thanks to the few that keep it together Thanks to the rest who keep it real.
  5. Btw I don’t drink. 6 yrs sober my friend.
  6. Serious question. Do you we would have scored with no penalty?
  7. Yes. Bad.
  8. Start a thread about it 🙅🏼‍♀️
  9. 👉🏻😡
  10. Have you looked at that one? absolutely 🌽 bread which readers do not need to waste their busy day on.
  11. Should be smoke here in a few days. Nothing like fire though.
  12. I heard it’s spreading to Oaklahoma sic?
  13. 60 to 23 to 60 should be a song there
  14. With all these prospects something should happen. Forcing me to make a decision about whether I renew should not be made before something happens.
  15. I still have a job “end quote “
  16. I personally am interested to see what happens.
  17. Voice your thoughts…
  18. Respectfully locked
  19. Good post but the return key is your friend. Long posts mostly get jumped over.
  20. Sabres app has 4 minutes of highlights for those that could not watch.
  21. I don’t think I saw one camera shot of him yet
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