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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. And so it begins…
  2. Have not heard any of this. If you can elaborate please do.
  3. Next game. Toronto. Wednesday. TNT.
  4. Girgs on fire. Bet he gets one
  5. Omg. Shut up Dan. Calling more commercials than the actual play who do have for a replacement?
  6. Check outside. The buses are lined up lined up like a Leafs game
  7. Have to say the arena is on fire tonight.
  8. Jets are a lot like us. 30 seconds and boom, goal
  9. That just sounds bad.
  10. Good Lord, Rob buy a neck/shirt that fits. It’s not that hard! Send me your address I’ll.amazon you some
  11. Just let it rest. I just want a good night. It’s poop, sure. No need set it on fire.
  12. There will be an ‘encore’ presentation later no doubt
  13. Those are mostly brokers.
  14. Uka Peka uka Peka
  15. Boom. Playoffs or not. Power!🪢🪢🪢
  16. You don’t recall Ray playing for the Sabres or the Sens? You got me confused.
  17. Might be my last season ticket game. 🫢
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