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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. I hope you're right. Also, I'd play my 6 year old daughter at Center on a checking line with more confidence before putting Roy there. I can't believe I even had to type this...
  2. I was with you up until the MAG loving.... Sekera is leaps and bounds ahead of MAG and inserting him instead would have changed the entire balance of this trade.
  3. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1049809-buffalo-bills-bring-back-pete-metzelaars-to-coach-tes I like it. Not always a fan of bringing in the past, but Pete has proven to be a pretty damned good coach in Indy. Good for him!
  4. My e-cig. Not the cheesy overpriced things they try and sell in the mall Kiosks either. I did my homework. Found a forum, asked some questions, did some reading. I've been analog free for 11 months after smoking for 18 years. I know it's still Nicotine intake, but that's a hell of a lot better than the stuff I was taking in with cigs. I feel so much healthier, and I don't smell like a forest fire. best money I've ever spent.
  5. Burn. IMHO, I think your "fandom" for Kane in a Sabre sweater is blurring your sense of trade equality. To make things fair, you should attempt to play the GM of the team you're hoping trades with Buffalo, then ask yourself if you'd give Kane away for a guy like Pommers. The answer is, without a boubt, NO.
  6. Tell us what it looks like, tell us what it looks like!!
  7. Everyone has a "warn status" when they post.... it's nothing more than a meter. If you've not been warned, it should show as such.
  8. Uhh, I'm pretty sure starting a thread and then saying your opinion is so awesome you didn't want it buried amongst us peasants and our meaningless posts is, in fact, calling attention to yourself. You should probably give yourself a "do-over", under a different username. Try not to insult anyone next time, or insinuate your opinion is superior, k?
  9. Meh, there's always a fence with guys like Sekera. You either like him or hate him. I agree with whomever it was that said his progression is steadily on the incline, and I think he's played fairly well all season. My only wish is that he'd play more physical. We know he can, and maybe he's "coached to pick his spots", but I'd like to see more of those spots. MAG and Stafford are dead to me, and Roy is dying a slow painful death as well. I just don't know if Darcy has enough magic to pull off a trade for any of these guys... I miss those days.
  10. You could have said nothing more than "Floater".... which can also be used to describe 3-4 other guys. I agree with everything else you said, too, btw....
  11. Trust me, I'm more distraught over it than you are. I hope they prove me wrong...
  12. No matter what your expectations are, you'll be disappointed.
  13. I'd pile on, but I think Scott said what I would have liked to have said without including profanity and maybe some mild threats. Oh, and also; perhaps read the Grand Jury report before speaking about this again. Ignorance is a stinky cologne.
  14. Even better...
  15. 350z, so I guess I should have waited for the foreign poll... EDIT - I'm slow tonight, cut me some slack... :ph34r:
  16. Jack Flats is one place; http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g34345-d805318-Reviews-Jack_Flats-Key_West_Florida_Keys_Florida.html The Rum Barrel is another, but be fore-warned, the owner is from Philly, so it may be a Phlyers "home game" if you know what I mean. Guaranteed the game will be on though; http://www.rumbarrel.com/ Or, if you're staying somewhere that airs VS., there's always the option to stay in and watch. Good luck!
  17. They must not be visiting Central Florida... friggin Tornado alley the last two days. Oh, and also, ib4PA... :pirate:
  18. Ok, I was going to throw Butler in as a comparison to see if you thought Sekera was REALLY worse than him, but then I read the rest of your post and realized you were obviously just joking by the whole, "more respect for Kalinin..." ending. Nice touch! :unsure:
  19. Hmmm... I'll buy the bolded part, but if you don't think Stafford or Goose is a big part of the problem, perhaps you'd like to share your opinion as to why we aren't playing well??
  20. Wow. Didn't think they had it in them.
  21. Enjoy the stay, great place! Regardless of what PA says about Florida, he's jealous right now... :nana:
  22. Sounds a little like a swing shift? :blink: I briefly worked at Tonawanda Coke and they had swing shifts there as well.... *coughs up sulfur and sift* Ahhh, those were the days!
  23. Um, we weren't "allowed" to when I was younger, like 1991 and on. We still did, but there were plenty of times we were told to get lost. Even with life jackets, they said it wasn't allowed. We'd just head over to the shoots anyway, more fun... can't do that anymore either. They turned the bridge so you can't walk out to it. :thumbdown:
  24. Not a problem at all. Have fun and wish I could join, but I work nights and have to go in right after the game. Also keep in mind the Orlando Magic play at 8pm tonight, so you may have to "request" the Hockey game. Believe it or not, the Magic have an excellent fan base here. You're not an Astros fan by chance, are you? If so, we have even more to talk about....
  25. You can come over and watch it here (30 minutes north) but you have to bring food/drink. I also talk to my TV, and sometimes challenge it to a fight... :unsure:
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