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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. Meh, I laughed.
  2. I think what some are saying is, why do you care? Money aside, do you really believe he doesn't make the team better, on and off the ice? Who else would you rather they spend that money on who's currently available?
  3. Well, they seem to be more popular than you give credit for. Their songs on youtube have hundreds of thousands of views. Admittedly, I've never heard of them, and they're not my cup of tea. But the majority of the posters seemed to echo your same post, so there are others getting the same thing out of them that you are, which is cool. And please don't let people tell you what's cool and not cool to listen to. You connect with what you connect with. If we all listened to the same music... well you get the idea. :thumbsup: Glad you shared.
  4. Don't be so sure. I'll listen to anything from heavy metal to rap (older stuff mostly) to softer rock. Pretty much anything but Country and R&B. My Pandora list looks like 5-6 different people share the account. I just respect and enjoy the art of Music.
  5. If I'm understanding your post correctly, you'd take Kaleta or Ott over Lucic if you were a coach/GM of an NHL team? Throwing Lucic in with the other guys you listed is much more than a stretch, IMO.
  6. Pretty much this. One way or the other, they're going to make that money up somewhere. Offers like that are just ploys to get you in the door. Still, if you're savvy enough to navigate/negotiate through the entry level BS, you could walk out with a decent deal. Like Physics said, keep an eye on the fine print. Good luck!
  7. I'm shocked nobody mentioned Kaleta throwing with Lucic. Took one for the team knowing he was going to get lit up, and was glad to do it.
  8. I'm sure most here lurk over there for legitimate info. and such, but choose not to post. It can get.... frenzied from time to time over there and with the increased number of posters comes an increased number of, well, skippable posts. Plus, there can be an actual conversation here whereas you have to fight just to keep a thread on the first page over there. Again, more posters so more threads. Doesn't stop me, just throwing in my guess.
  9. Clicked on the thread title not expecting much, thread got better as I read on.
  10. I believe Sulzer would be the 4th man in that last spot battle, unless I'm missing something.
  11. Took my car in last Friday for some recall stuff to be done. The service Manager pulls my car around front and stops just short of a curb on a downslope. Goes to let off the clutch to back it up, and coasts right into the curb. I knew it was coming just by hearing my car come around the corner. He obviously isn't used to driving stick. It's an 03 and although it's got pretty low mileage (70,xxx) it's got some definite road wear to the front fender, rock chips and the like. Guy said he'd have the whole front fender done, even though the damage was mostly done underneath. Turned out better than expected.
  12. Hmmm. Can he play Center?
  13. Guilty as charged. Also, Raffi Torres, Dominic Moore, and Dainius Zubrus all had me guilty of the same things. I'm a sucker for deadline acquisitions. I'm working on that.
  14. Don't worry, the real one's much more fun.
  15. Somebody must have divided by zero, all hell's breaking lose around here. Welcome back, PA.
  16. I remember when I first joined here and over there I caught some flack for my username. To those who picked on me... WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW???? In all honesty, Mario wouldn't be doing himself justice if he signed right away. It'll be his biggest payday his entire life, better to take his time and weigh all of his options. As for Meachem, meh... he was overpaid by SD and gets to be a #1. Neither, thankfully, were going to happen here. Not the end of the world.... yet.
  17. Uh, better make sure your AAA club/membership type covers motorcycle tows... *works for AAA, not sure if awesome* I'm kind of with Rayzor32, I would love a bike, but the wife and 2 daughters say otherwise, and they rule my world, for now....
  18. Lindy ruined that kid.... :bag:
  19. That's basically what I was saying, thanks. I don't necessarily agree with it, and prefer what Sizzle said, but with what Lindy said regarding maybe moving Ennis to wing, the conversation becomes relevant.
  20. I wasn't trying to imply it would be a "great 3rd line". Adam was sent down for a reason. I was just saying IF Ennis were to be moved back to wing, Adam would have to come back up. I guess Adam/Boyes/Gerbe can be construed however you'd like. I see that line as more of a checking line than I do a scoring threat. Were 6 emoticons necessary?? I was simply carrying on what I thought was a civil discussion regarding our lines, forgive me.
  21. Perhaps not, but Adam centering the 3rd line wouldn't give you a legit scoring line either... I think they'd almost have to play as a checking line, wouldn't they?
  22. I think that depends on what they do with Ennis. If Ennis moves to the wing (not advocating this) and Adam is called up, who knows?
  23. My how times change. His back-checking makes me throw up in my mouth. He is the most careless defensive player on this team, and there isn't a close second (since trading MAG). I'm using the word careless only because I don't want to insult him personally, but I'm fairly certain he simply chooses not to play D. He mysteriously puts himself out of position so as to avoid contact on almose every shift. I can't imagine a worse Center on the 3rd line for us right now. Just my opinion of course.
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