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Everything posted by billsrcursed

  1. He was also leading some of the player practices the last couple of days and tweeting some "team info.". I was curious about his role as well. I'll try digging around, but someone here (CHZ) may already know what, if any, involvement he may have.
  2. Ahh, good point on Myers. If his play in the World Juniors is any indication, I'd assume he'll be ready. I guess the other concern is where he plays, and with whom, during those 5 games.
  3. I know it goes against Ruff's nature, but I cannot imagine this team not having Grigorenko out there barring a trade for a Center. Maybe it's because I want him to be... I'm with Ink, though. The idea of Ellis on the ice is uninspiring to say the least.
  4. Nice. They're not playing around with the staff hiring. How "different".
  5. I'd have to think the Sabres would need to be miserably horrible for the front office to justify firing Ruff during or directly after a shortened season. This would appear to have more merit going into next season.
  6. Wow, thats awful.
  7. Saturday is the 19th... EDIT - dammit, NS...lol
  8. I'm sorry for your loss.
  9. Agreed, and I hate myself for it.
  10. Let's be honest; you'd have questioned your future with her if she hadn't enjoyed it. amiright?! :lol:
  11. Ya, looks like he did it in front of their GM and Head coach. Yikes...
  12. I haven't played on SEGA since around '96 or so, but I can't imagine how foreign the controllers would feel today. Must be cool to be able to hook it back up and give it a go.
  13. That's actually awesome, and in no way pathetic.
  14. Eleven, thanks for that post. I can't believe how much I didn't know about this process. Very helpful!
  15. But if she was pre-occupied with a circus freak...
  16. I guess we'll find out more when we know who it is, but can you share with us if he had setbacks, or if there are claims of long term damage BECAUSE he played when he shouldn't have? I'm no doctor, but if he played through it and there were no ill effects due to playing, were the Sabres doctors that wrong?? We're talking about opinions.
  17. Hey, I didn't say he was good at it... :ph34r: I don't get it, sorry.
  18. Powell held for the FG kicker at FSU.
  19. Not sure any other punter in the NFL would get this much attention. Then again, not sure there's another punter who was named Captain, either. Meh, at the end of the day, he's here to kick balls and to kick them where he's told to. He wasn't doing that. Powell looked great in pre-season, so give the kid a chance and send a message at the same time. I'm with GODD on this one, I like it.
  20. Is it going to take Doan signing elsewhere for you to think this team is not a legit cup contender, as it is currently constructed? I'm still missing the part where Doan signs somewhere else, and it reflects poorly on the Sabres, unless he goes somewhere like the Islanders and for less money. Him signing with the Rangers (assuming it's for less money) tells us nothing we don't already know, they're closer to the cup.
  21. Yes. Also, thread appears to be getting better...
  22. Just came in here to post this. I'll be checking them out this year as well.
  23. Yep. Deer, too. I was never much of a nature guy so maybe I'm nieve, but when I was in High School we had a deer run into one of the glass panes to the front door of our school (Tonawanda). Never would have pegged Tonawanda as a place for deer to hang out.
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