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Everything posted by Ohiofan

  1. So I bought a new car. Sirius is built in, free for 6 months. We were already subscribers to XM, and even though they are one and the same, they are NOT, really. In the car I traded away I enjoyed XM with Home Ice and all the games. With Sirius, Home Ice is on an "add-on" tier, which we called and added-on four freakin' days ago. It's not there. Obviously, I may need a reboot but it should have been done 4 days ago when my husband called and reconfigured everything. So as I am realizing this today...hubby is unreachable at work, and I don't have any of the passwords and logins and bribes and first born children available so they won't even talk to me. You get used to life a certain way. I will be driving the kid taxi tonight until 8:30. Normally, I love this time of year...I get a Starbucks...Sabres on the radio...I'm driving...picking up kids and dropping off. Maybe it will even snow. But, NO! If I'm not home to watch...it better be on the damn radio or momma's gonna be pissed. I'm gonna call again :pirate:
  2. that looks like Gabriel's a$$...is it?
  3. Yeah, when I visit the forum from my phone I never see any avatars. Happy Friday All!!! I have to work, so no hockey on my big tv in hd. UPSIDE: I have a slingbox! Just trying to decide what to sling the game to. I'll be pretty busy, unless it rains. Probably the laptop, yes? I got a new car :clapping: Smallest vehicle I have had (and only the second brand new one) since I was 19 and bought a new camaro. I have only had Suburbans and Excursions for many years...totin' kids, ya know? I got a Ford Edge (crossover) and it's pretty slick actually. Nice Fordtouch computer system in it, and fun to drive. Maybe I could sling the game to the car? Well, work would probably miss me if I sat in my car all night. I'm the boss, so no worries I'll just plop down in the middle of everything and sling to one of the computers. Can't wait!
  4. Chz...I remember both days I lost both grandpas, and they sucked. I am very sorry for your loss. As of May 26, 2011, the young stud I married in 1988 became a grandpa and that baby is nothing but a wonder to us all. The wheel keeps turning...hang tough girl.
  5. I'll be married 23 years to the man of my dreams tomorrow! He works hard, is a fantastic dad, and treats me like a queen. Oh...and he has embraced hockey and fell hard for my team ever since I took him to the AUD for his first game the weekend we got engaged oh so long ago. HaHa...slipping and sliding all the way to Buffalo in my camaro...what a blast that was. He supports my passion, we have Center Ice, a slingbox, and sirius XM so we never miss a game here in Ohio. We take our kids to as many games as we can, whether in Columbus, Detroit, Toronto, or Buffalo. He buys me jerseys for Christmas, 40 year anniversary books, flags, magnets and whatever else Sabre related I want. He is awesome. This morning he was coming off the midnight shift and stayed awake ALL DAY while the kids were at school. :wub: F'N FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Oh the irony...life can be cruel and beautiful at the same time. I have a senior in high school filling out college apps. After 23 years of marriage living fairly well but essentially paycheck to paycheck, the husband and I are finally both making some really good money.... just in time to fill out the FAFSA :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  7. I live in a small town with country all around, and sadly, bikers die all the time here. There may be fewer cars, but the ones that are here are flying on these country roads. It is very dangerous to ride, as you also have Amish, A LOT of animals, little or no lighting, farm equipment, and winding roads with a lot of gravel in and on the curves. Bikers don't ride at night in the country much around here. I would vote no on the bike. I have ridden in the past, two seasons. I have known bikers that have died through no fault of their own, and a couple that were totally at fault (passing a line of cars when the first one was turning left, for example). There are bad drivers in both cars and on bikes. What I least understand is bikes on the racetrack, and I am a track owner. I have seen bikers die on track too many times...one at my place, the rest on other tracks. I love racing...but why, oh why, if you're going to race a vehicle at crazy speeds, would you NOT want a roll cage around you? We have guys that show up all the time in shorts, t-shirts, no gloves...and they get pissed when I won't let them go down my dragstrip. Seriously??? I have seen bikers in full leathers put it down at the quarter mile and lose most of their skin and have to be life flighted out. Yes, motorcycles are fun. In my opinion, though, definitely not worth the risk.
  8. Always the beach, Ink. Get your toes in the sand! You can go to the pool anywhere.
  9. SABRES. The correct spelling is SABRES. I have seen it spelled Sabers way too much lately, here on this board, and elsewhere. It is a major pet peeve of mine. SABRES.
  10. Couple of things: I hate to complain about the weather because it is what it is...but c'mon...a foot of snow, tonight? Really? Flood watch, snow watch, flood watch, snow watch, flood watch, snow watch, all in the last two weeks. Our community is going to try to pass a levy for new school buildings in May. The state says it's our turn for our share of state money to build, and we have to do it now. I agreed to try to get 10 people to vote "yes", and after talking to one belligerant, ignorant woman about it, I just don't want to do it anymore. We definitely need the new buildings, but I just don't have it in me to push people to vote for something that will raise their taxes in this economy. I said I would, though, and the deadline for my ten votes is today, and I'm stressed about it :angry: Our unlocked cars sitting in our driveway got broken into last night. Scum took my husbands XM radio...again. It happened last summer and we did lock our cars for a time after that, but we live in a nice neighborhood so we got complacent again. Losing the $100 dollar radio for the second time was bad enough, but even scarier was the fact that I had a box ready to go to the post office in my car, full of my father-in-laws mail. He winters in Florida and shares a P.O. box with the business we are partners in, so I send his mail to him every few weeks. Cop said this is a federal crime and they have two cars out looking for the box hoping the Scum ditched it when they saw it contained only mail. I have more but enough is enough. Time to move on.
  11. My husband likes to do this "math/change test" for fun. He says he does it to minimize the small change in his pocket, but I think he just likes to mess with people. And you're right, sometimes they will say "you gave me too much" and they refuse to plug the numbers in the register. It is both funny and depressing at the same time.
  12. College visits with our 17 year old. Next on the list...U of Chicago in a couple of days. I had a flashback today of her knee-high and running into the kitchen excited about something and wanting to tell me, hugging my legs and smiling up at me... How did we get here so fast? :cry:
  13. we need a new roof also, and have been dragging our feet...the two quotes we received (one local company, one local Amish) were both right at 7 grand. Who the heck wants to spend that kind of money??? NOT ME! But we need it so I just hope we can move on this before the snow flies :cry:
  14. Man, I don't think so. He is amazing, he really is. He can win a game all by himself, and he does it often. I just don't know why he can't get it together against Boston. I've never seen him play this bad.
  15. Oh I do have a complaint. WTF is up with LeBron crapping the bed for Cleveland? I am almost ready to give up being a sports fan altogether. None of my teams ever win anything.
  16. Did you know that if you "cash" your check and write the deposit in as cash instead of a check, it will credit to your account immediately (as long as the funds are available from the issuer of the check). When you deposit a check as a check, it can take up to three days to credit to your account. I always do that with my payroll checks. Most times, I NEED those funds to credit immediately.
  17. Oh my gosh I can't remember when I have slept more than 5 or 6 hours a night. I am exhausted. Life is just going full throttle right now.
  18. I will be all alone watching the game tonight until the kids come home from dance rehearsal at 9pm. My very best friend and hockey buddy, my man, my husband, is on afternoons. :cry: I'll be texting him updates though...hopefully a lot of them. LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!
  19. Hubby sez that if you have basic mechanical skills you should be able to DIY. You may need a line wrench but you can pick that up at Autozone or some such. What kind of car?
  20. The stop leak stuff will only help if its a seal in the pump. It won't really help if it's a hose thats cracked. I may be off base here...but can't you just put a new cooler line and hose on?
  21. Well I went to pick up my daughter from ballet at 9pm and I had to put it in 4wd. :death: Roads are crap and it's really coming down. I think all the plows/salt trucks have been put away. My hubby doesn't get out of job #2 until 11. He's got an hour drive and I already have a headache worrying... What a way to start spring break.
  22. OMG when we were kids my uncle had a vial of Mercury and we thought it was so cool to dump it in our hand and roll it around and watch it form and break apart into little balls and re-form into bigger balls. (balls of MERCURY folks...stand down). I should probably be dead right now?
  23. I'm right there with ya Blue. My eldest daughter is also a sophomore and she's been getting mail daily from colleges. It's time to start looking i guess. WOW. Tuition is crazy, for sure. Seems like most colleges financial aid packages are need based. If you make less than 60k, it's practically free. Less than 120k and it's greatly reduced. Over that, you're on your own LOL !
  24. :o Tell me...where is over half the world population going? I'm not being sarcastic...I just want to know what you think.
  25. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellow Ohioan. I hope it's a good one, you certainly have the weather! And btw...my complaint? On MY birthday, which was on a Thursday, this thread never even got opened. The fact that it was New Years Eve may have had something to do with the lack of complaining...but still...
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