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Everything posted by Ohiofan

  1. How about a kennel or doggie spa? Haha I know it sounds funny but when we went on a college tour last summer we left our very pampered toy poodle at the most amazing place. We had to drive a little out of the way to get him there but wow! They took great care of him and posted pictures to facebook everyday so we could see him. If it's an option for you, do a search in your area and most definitely read reviews and visit the place. I know, though, some dogs just can't be left so maybe that is the case for you. we left our little guy at another place years ago and he was traumatized and I never thought I would do it again, but then we found this "pet resort" and he seemed to be very happy there.
  2. It's Friday night and my teenagers are at home tonight! Relaxing with my girls, eating pizza (sans pepperoni), and watching all of our recorded shows from the week. These are the best of times!
  3. Yes, we are very happy for her! She is a self proclaimed "nerd" and very excited about attending a school where "fun goes to die". :unsure: I'm really hoping her financial aid covers what we need it to. This has been such a long and involved process. Filling out the FAFSA and CSS were eye opening to say the least. The college application process is not what it used to be. I would even say it has been a bit traumatizing, we've been at it for months. So many deadlines and details. As for my complaint? Well, all financial concerns aside...I'm wondering how in the hell I'm going to handle the trauma of sending the first one off to college. :cry:
  4. My gosh you ain't kidding. My daughter got admitted to her "dream school" early action and my husband and I are in a bit of a panic trying to figure out how we are going to pay for it. We are not rich, but comfortable, and therein lies the rub. Low income = paid for, wealthy=no problem, we can pay. Middle class? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It's University of Chicago and the tuition plus room and board and whatever else is almost $60,000 a year. Seriously. We will get some aid, and she has some merit scholarships. I hope the package is enough to make it viable for her. She really wants to attend that school very badly, and it really is perfect for her.
  5. I have this book in the queue, I may move it up a few places :thumbsup: My daughter is headed to Chicago in the fall and so my interest in the city is a bit piqued at the moment.
  6. Ohiofan

    OT: Hobbies

    Nice to hear. Hubby, father-in-law and I run a little dragstrip here in Ohio. In the years before we had the track, Hubby was an exhibition driver, we've been to Moroso a few times. He had a wheelstander for years, then a jet. I hated that Jet car, way too fast. He actually holds a lot of speed and e.t. records at several tracks mostly east of the Mississippi. When he sold it we bought out my father in law's partner and now we run the races instead of being the show at them haha. Husband still bracket races on occasion, some of our regulars will beg him to drive their cars and he wins a lot so he can't really do that much anymore. Between hockey in the winter and drag racing in the summer I do not have a lot of free time. Don't laugh, but I love to shop with my teenage daughters, it's a great stress reliever. I read when I can. I am really into volunteering in my children's schools. At any given moment in time I am a member of several boards/committees. Very enjoyable for me as I like to be exposed to the administration and teachers that are helping to shape their lives. I am into photography. My daughters are in a pre-professional ballet company and I like to capture their performances. I struggle with it because of the low light nature of the theatre. I am really good on a sunny day! But I'm learning and it's a process. I love to hike. Trails, mountains, beaches, sidewalks, wherever. I am always listening to music. Always.
  7. Oh this is a lovely thread. I also usually have at least three books going at the same time. My mood dictates which one I reach for in the narrow end-of-day time frame that this busy working mother/wife/mom has available. In my younger days pre-family, I used to spend hours with a book. I don't think I will get to experience that pleasure again until the kids are out of the house and I'm retired. With that said, the husband just put in two walls of floor to ceiling bookshelves in the den. We have two Nooks in the house, but...well...we hang out at Barnes and Noble a lot, and lets just say that books are our weakness. Currently I am reading: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. This was a suggestion from my youngest child. It's a teen read about everlasting life, and I find it not bad if a bit silly, but daughter was excited about it and wanted me to share it with her. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. American Sniper by Chris Kyle. This is an autobiography of the "Most lethal sniper in U.S. military history". Mr. Kyle was a Navy Seal and very decorated. Not too far into it but I like it. 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I love him, he keeps me up at night. (can't wait for the new Dark Tower book coming in March). Ariel by Sylvia Plath. I am not a huge fan of poetry, but this is a book I read when I'm pissed off at life. It lives on my nightstand. And, like many of you, I have a legion in the queue.
  8. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok. Don't like the face and hair.... but...I'm really not looking at the face and hair.
  9. I do like Mickey D's for my afternoon cup...it's a good brew but WTF I pay $1.19 for a medium! However, running Timmy Ho's thru my cusinart in the mornings and sucking down that first strong, flavorful cup is one of the highlights of my day.
  10. Oh man I totally AGREE. We have a smattering of Timmy Ho's here in Ohio, mostly in Columbus, which is an hour away. My brother in law goes there twice a week and we have him pick us up a couple of cans of fine grind every month. We drink the hell out of it. No grocery store canned coffee can compare.
  11. I am so sorry to hear of the death of another senior. In the high school in our town where my daughter is a senior, we have had 2 (TWO!) senior boys kill themselves just before the holidays. At about the same time, one town over, another senior boy killed himself as well. That makes THREE here in a short period of time. Renders me speechless...much like the Josh Powell story above. So much sadness.
  12. Living in a town that has a cookie factory is not a good thing. In an attempt to live a healthier life, I quit smoking last year. Inevitably, a few pounds have creeped onto my little frame and I have been walking walking walking most mornings. Today is beautiful! Perfect day for a healthy, invigorating walk around the neighborhood. Archway/Lance is baking this morning. Heavy, strong smell of warm chocolate chip cookies in the air. Makes it hard to focus...all I want now is a cookie instead of my usual yogurt/granola/berry breakfast.
  13. maybe so.....maybe so
  14. :lol:Believe it or not, there are still a lot of places where dial up is the only option. My friend and her husband own a dairy farm just about 50 miles south of Cleveland Ohio. She really is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Amish. She drives to the library in town to surf the internet.
  15. I quit smoking and it's really hard :cry:
  16. I should have clarified that I am speaking from a PARENTAL perspective.
  17. Two teenage daughters in the house. Think about it. Above comment made purely from a PARENTAL perspective. Down, boys.
  18. :lol: busted
  19. Wow. Just...Wow.
  20. The silence is deafening. I don't think it bodes well for any kind of suspension.
  21. Wow. He meant to harm IMO, Lucic's right foot pointed left and plants as he's making contact...clear move to direct some force into the hit.
  22. I don't mean to be an a$$, BUT...if a high school nerd is getting knocked over on a regular basis by a bully, I would pray to God he/she would appeal to the principal for help. This is no laughing matter. Please don't equate what happens on a professional field of battle with the absolute torture some kids have to deal with on a regular basis in our schools. Nerds are people too, they're someone's kids, and are often the target of some real bad ###### in school. We just had a suicide by a 17 year old boy in my children's high school on saturday and it sickens me what he must have gone through. And don't even get me started on what happens when a NERD goes the other way and you have a Columbine. This is a sensitive subject for me. Next time, leave kids out of it. Make your point another way, please.
  23. When a grown man, president or garbage man, gets caught with his pants down and his partner is a woman, it is of course more accepted. Men have affairs (women do too, I know). It happens, and its not terribly shocking. If said president had his pants down in the oval office and his partner was a 10 year old boy? You can bet the farm that he would have been removed.
  24. I hope they never recover, let them be forever tainted. It's kids, man. Kids. Little people whom we are entrusted to protect. We all, as adults and human beings, have an absolute duty to the future of humankind to look out for the little ones. Everyone involved had a moral obligation to report these incidents, and keep reporting them, until it was stopped. I don't care if you are a president or a grad student, if you kept your mouth shut, or didnt see that someone...anyone...moved on this, you are guilty guilty guilty.
  25. Disgusting. Jim Tressel resigned over much less, IMO Paterno should have been thrown out the door. He shouldn't be allowed to walk away on his own terms, he knew of the allegations...jeez...I just can't believe the school continued to let that sick son of a bitch Sandusky continue to use their space for his charity. What the heck is wrong with this world we live in? What possible attraction can a grown man have for young boys? I can't even wrap my head around that! I almost left the Catholic Church over the wicked priest abomination...how widespread is this disgusting, sick, criminal fetish??? It all just makes me sick. I agree with the previous poster, I hope Pegula keeps his distance.
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