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  1. Well I agree, and I know they have some guys who aren't high character players, but I can't stand someone who punished abused and killed dogs for fun.... just not my idea of someone i can support
  2. The Michael Vick BS...... I am cringing at the thought, but if the Bills sign him, my season tix are going up for sale. I refuse to support a team that has a POS like him on it. I know, he served his time, blah blah blah.... but I don't want him on any team I am a fan of..... but the positive side will hopefully be making some of my money back on the tix
  3. Being sick, i swear when i was fat and out of shape i never got sick, since i lost 50 lbs over the last 2 years every little flu bug i get and it knocks me out. Plus because i am sick now everyone thinks its Swine flu, no @sshole i am sick because its 80 degrees one day, and 40 the next! :censored:
  4. hey i resent ..... errrr represent that :ph34r:
  5. foot on brake, throw it in reverse, that'll freak her out
  6. people who stand too close to you who just stink :sick:
  7. well if it makes you feel any better i don't /can't have beer at work, so i will have to wait another 3 hours to get mine in :beer:
  8. my complaint is people who think they are important enough to quote one of their own posts and speak on it again :nana:
  9. it's not the weekend
  10. Just found out no raises this year, kinda pissed, but glad to know i still have a job for now...
  11. join the club, i work for one and get told daily how evil we are
  12. I agree, the normal idiots i expect, but when we were walking through the parking lot some idiot picked up a barrel that had a fire going inside, and tossed it, missing me and my gf by a couple of inches... I was pissed
  13. Come on, my Corolla is still made in the US!
  14. Not sure if i got this in last week, i am amazed at how little respect people have for the customer service industry. I work in a call center for medical insurance, and hearing the way people talk down to me and my co-workers all day is ridiculous. You would think people were raised to at least respect people or have basic manners---- but the people i deal with are some of the most ignorant and condescending people i have ever spoken to.
  15. Why am i still sick after getting a :censored: :censored: flu shot 2 months ago???????????
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