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Palm Trees And Taxes

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Everything posted by Palm Trees And Taxes

  1. Elvis will leave the building with a shutout.
  2. 51st anniversary jersey?
  3. Since the 'Who Cares' Team is -180, our 'beloved' Sabres are +160. Insiders suggest that 'Who Cares' has no scouting report on Carter Hutton, but was told to wing it. Who Cares 7, Buffalo 2
  4. Not sure what is worse: Being a fan that is angry, or a fan like me now that just goes 'meh' and dosent really care how the team is doing. The Sabres have made me care so much less about hockey and if I am running the organization, that mindset is much more concerning then one that is still passionate and cares even if angry. I used to really support Botterill: But considering that the organization has a lot of movement that can be made, and perhaps a high draft pick on the horizon, and considering how JBot has built this franchise to this point, is this truly the guy that the Pegula's want to trust help shape the franchise for yet another 3-5 years, a team with mediocre goaltending, lack of grit and physicality, and depth at center? I have to say NO way. It's time to clean house.
  5. I agree. I wish for Kobe's sake he was alone so he didn't have to know Gianna was going to pass on. But also in Gianna's case, I am 'glad' her father was there so she didn't have to be without her Dad.
  6. I agree. The biggest thing people have to realize is: When a parent loses a child, you never move forward, you just learn to cope with it 'better' as time goes on. Cant imagine how Vanessa feels now along with Kobe's parents, who are still alive. And the other victims, along with a father mother and daughter. And that family has two other kids that now lost a sister and their parents. I live in Orange County and work not very far from where Kobe lived. For a town like Los Angeles that some feel is very nonchalant about its sports teams, the pain that a lot of people in Los Angeles and Orange County right now is unbelievable. Kobe WAS LA through and through and even though I'm not a Lakers fan, you can truly feel that today. Completely devastating.
  7. Agree. Serves them right for not only dealing for a breaking down Erik Karlsson, then giving him the most egregious horrendous contract Ive seen in years.
  8. I agree completely. Bogosian was once a very good defenseman, in fact I recall Patrick Kane quoted as saying Bogo was the toughest match-up in the entire NHL defensively at one time. Those are the keywords: At one time. I always feel for athletes like Zach, the injuries really plagued his career. Even though im far from a pro athlete, I tore my quad tendon and I remember the emotional battles of the recovery, I can't imagine how that must be for an athlete at the very very top of the sport. And with how quickly the sport is evolving, that hasn't helped either. I wish Zach well regardless, but the time has absolutely come to bid Bogo farewell.
  9. Quick thoughts: 1. What a great team win for the Sabres. Linus Ullmark was steady, contributions from multiple places. 2. Lazar should not make a trip to Rochester the rest of the year. Good energy, does the little things. 3. Frolik isnt a 'sexy' move, but he will help us win games more then hurt us. 4. Sometimes injuries can bring a team together and maybe in the long run Skinner and Olofsson out is the best thing that could have happened to this team. Credit Kruger and his staff for helping keeping the ship afloat. Recent Sabres teams would have sank like the Titanic. Not this team. 5. It becomes clearer by the day this team is a bonafide #2 center away from being a consistent playoff team. We are closer then most think. Stay the course.
  10. Maybe in part but if there were no cap implications it would be much easier. The hard salary cap has also created the alleged perception of appeasement maybe more then anything else.
  11. I really do not get the Reinart hate going on here: Granted Sam was a #2 pick overall, and with picks that high, you are hoping for a 70+ point player minimum and a possible franchise guy. We get that Sam isn't that guy, but 60+ point players don't grow on trees. Sam is a clear top 6 forward, something that has been an issue for Buffalo for many years now. There are problems on this roster for the now and going forward. in no way do I feel Sam is a part of the problem. He can easily be part of the solution.
  12. Agreed, Lalime was horrendous and had another year where he went 0-5 as a backup if I recall
  13. Carter Hutton has reached Patrick Lalime status where he is virtually unstartable. Sabres need to cut bait take the hit and move on. Hutton is playing a significant role in costing this team a chance at a WC
  14. A true statement and speaks volumes as to where we are as a franchise
  15. Can we also get a massive assist from the commish like Vegas did?
  16. Any updates on how long Jeff Skinner will be out? Its been 2 weeks and they said 2-3 weeks, is he skating with the team yet?
  17. Here is the other part of the equation I am sure has been discussed but I truly wonder if this can happen sooner then later: Is there a point in time when Jack Eichel just says screw this I want out of here and demands a trade? At this point, can anyone blame him?
  18. I feel that too for sure 100 percent, but imagining the possibility of the Sabres drafting Lucas Raymond, Quinton Byfield, or if they get super lucky, Lafreniere, is very enticing.
  19. I hate saying this as a longtime fan and I am so tired of this thought, but given the injuries and limitations of the current roster, one more glorious tank given how stacked this 2020 NHL Entry Draft is wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. All or nothing: Win big or lose big. No in-between.
  20. Does anyone have a video of Lindy Ruff snubbing Gary Bettman as he walked to the podium during the 1999 NHL Draft? Thanks in advance!
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