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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. You need to quit. Literally. Awful moderation.
  2. No coffee yet. Sarcasm meter sensitivity 2.4 percent. Drink. Reboot. Reread. Drink. Reboot. Reread. Drink. Reb....
  3. MSG aired Terry congratulating Rob before revealing his plaque on the HOF wall outside the lockerroom. Obv. the team decided to eliminate any risk of Terry getting booed. Pete Guelli didn't seem overly pleased about Rob's colorful language.
  4. He does suck. Hard. We just don't know it yet.
  5. Please can we take these analyses in context? Opponents are often disinterested, it's their night to take off, it's the game they SHOULD win, and we're seeing our share of backups. Most importantly the games are absolutely meaningless in the standings for the Sabres. Zero pressure. You've got to take "kids getting hot" with a huge grain of salt. In normal hockey mode you could be excited about a prospect who might contribute in time on a balanced, winning, veteran team. But a lot of us have seen this film before. I mean, they're already using the kid to sell tix for tomorrow... for 20 bucks.
  6. I heard boos FWIW. I also thought he sounded a fair bit worse than 5 years ago. Father Time is merciless.
  7. Ike warned us about the Prospect Industrial Complex.
  8. Direct line to Duffer too. Age old question... booing or Dooging? Vogl reported it as booing back in the day.
  9. Too bad it started so early. I wonder why. People do have jobs. What's next? Do you Jiri-really have to ask? Behold the future.
  10. Thumbs down bc he was booed on RJ Night and it did not become the storyline. BTW I was there and did not boo.
  11. I gotta say... I love the saying in hospital.
  12. Not that many strong words had been invented. Now we have the best words.
  13. I haven't gone fully down the rabbit hole, but he was singing the original 1918 version. The Far and Wide version appears to have been adopted on July 1, 1980 when Oh, Canada officially became the anthem. I haven't found any clips of Joe after summer 1980. I think his music stopped shortly after. Weir is the original.
  14. Not when inky gets fired up. I'm staying logged in.
  15. Smell, we're going for a bag skate. Ole Punch threw his beaver hat across the office and they called in Dodo to talk to him. It didn't work. Hope you didn't have the sausage gravy for breakfast. It's interesting. It appears the Far and Wide/God Keep version didn't kick in until the anthem became official in 1980.
  16. I mean did he have his own version? Here's Rene Rancourt in Boston in 85.
  17. Smell, we got a problem. That appears to be the way he always sang it. No "From far and wide" and no "God keep our land." The thick plottens.
  18. Sad day. Also, there was a tragedy last night.
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