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Everything posted by Stoner

  1. Huge disconnect between coach and captain. Not good.
  2. Scouting report is out. "Does not see the ice well." Dahlin Sammyson Zucker
  3. I also wouldn't underestimate the impending arrival of season ticket renewal letters. That always seems to spur the entire organEYEzation to greater heights. My dad was not a huge hockey fan but he always marveled at the Sabres pouring it on and playing with hair on fire in the final minutes down a goal. "Where has this been all night?" Pops, it's all a scam.
  4. Maybe this is the day I back over a kitten. Please, Lord, you know I don't ask for much.
  5. And had the Sabres retaliated, Rob would have criticized it? He is going to defend whatever the team does.
  6. Excuse me... it's not really Lindy's decision. It's in the moment the millisecond after the hit. No one responded. That's a problem. Lindy being flaccid is a secondary problem. I don't know the cut of new COO Guelli's jib, but there's a good chance he bit a chicken wing bone in half. Mayhem sells, too.
  7. Nice job, Lance. PTR shows his hand fully. He's with the coach, the GM owner, the players (especially goalie, a position he has played!). We know for sure he's with Dan. Never with the fans. I'm not sure who's angling for a job with the Sabres more, Promo, Lance or Bill Hoppe.
  8. I wasn't a math major (English), but that are only five wins.
  9. No the super slo motion replay showed what it went off. The goalie's junk. See above.
  10. I'm sorry. That was possibly the worst US anthem performance in Sabres history.
  11. Faceoff 1:45 p.m. Again where is Caneeda? That was tough.
  12. Remember... coffee black, put the bacon back. Doctor's orders.
  13. This is the mod who closes threads, deletes threads and bans people for made up reasons. What do you expect?
  14. You need to quit. Literally. Awful moderation.
  15. No coffee yet. Sarcasm meter sensitivity 2.4 percent. Drink. Reboot. Reread. Drink. Reboot. Reread. Drink. Reb....
  16. MSG aired Terry congratulating Rob before revealing his plaque on the HOF wall outside the lockerroom. Obv. the team decided to eliminate any risk of Terry getting booed. Pete Guelli didn't seem overly pleased about Rob's colorful language.
  17. He does suck. Hard. We just don't know it yet.
  18. Please can we take these analyses in context? Opponents are often disinterested, it's their night to take off, it's the game they SHOULD win, and we're seeing our share of backups. Most importantly the games are absolutely meaningless in the standings for the Sabres. Zero pressure. You've got to take "kids getting hot" with a huge grain of salt. In normal hockey mode you could be excited about a prospect who might contribute in time on a balanced, winning, veteran team. But a lot of us have seen this film before. I mean, they're already using the kid to sell tix for tomorrow... for 20 bucks.
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